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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I'd rather put that $100 towards a jacket WITH a pants attachment <waiting for someone (Fonz, Likwid, etc) to vouch for my cheapassedness> I've never had a Red Bull
  2. A couple of my coworkers got them. One guy's arrive this afternoon and I moseyed on over to checkit out at his desk... well worth the $100, great street jacket, plenty of pockets, liner, solid construction. They were even nice enough to leave the $400.00 tag on the sleeve to flaunt around My only gripe and why I didn't get one - no pants attachment.
  3. Yea, it was all hypothetical... I've never used Facebook mobile. I've never used mobile web browsing period. Thanks for call me out on that, dick.
  4. I don't know how you can call 'me having an alibi' a waste of time. Isn't that why the rest of you use it? I just need to figure out how to remove the "Posted from Facebook Mobile" and spoof my IP address, and I'll be able to be two places at one time.
  5. Sealed??....Ha, right More like loaded with CP, will turn your computer into part of a botnet, searching for more CP.
  6. Wouldn't it be less painful to chew razor blades?
  7. Can he throw skinny chicks w/ as tight a spiral as Brett Farve? And thanks for the fat chicks vid CMRem
  8. I assume that's a very loose definition of the word 'functioning'
  9. Yea! You tell them fat chicks to quit rationalizing their flabby thighs!
  10. I just saved a bunch of money on my grocery bill by switching to thin girls.
  11. Can anyone tell me if it's got a hardware FM tuner?? No one mentions it on the Droid, but I've heard that the iPhone has one built in (just not enabled, probably will be with a firmware update, as a "look what we can do now" thing without replacing handsets). Is Droid hiding an FM tuner on the PCB somewheres even though it's not mentioned anywhere and no current apps unlock and enable it?
  12. There was a time BEFORE you owned guns? I thought you came outta the womb, guns a'blazin!
  13. It's like "a puzzle, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in bullshit" That sorta sucks, IP. Too bad you didn't have the "if I get to shoot someone - it's free" clause in that contract.
  14. This has the makings of a good tale... commence with the entertaining drama.
  15. I don't even turn mine on for weeks at a time, so it was never worth it to 'mod' it. I hope I'm not banned the next time I get online.
  16. I beat you to that about a day ago... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=38011&highlight=BMW
  17. http://jalopnik.com/5402572/us-airways-flight-1549-amazing-animated-look-at-final-flight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE_5eiYn0D0&feature=player_embedded
  18. Make mine a Schardenheimer
  19. Ohh snap, don't spit that at the Cbus crew, they might think you're one-upping them. I'd HATE to see the NEO event be the headliner
  20. So, wait... you got 4/6 numbers right... or 66%, and that's considered "damn near"? Maybe it's like, "I damn near failed calculus with a 66%"
  21. Wow, what a tough question. It's hard to pick a favorite when I've owned so many bikes... I owned r1crusher's '07 GSXR1k at Norwalk I owned RVTPilot's RC51 on Rt 83 I owned Likwid's Vulcan on Fitchville River Road I owned some kid on a new R1 on 555 I owned LOTs and LOTs of Harleys at LOTs of different places
  22. I'd welcome you, but I don't want the CIA getting any ideas about our association.
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