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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Given the fact that every business needs to turn a profit to survive... if you want to make a semi-reasonable margin on bikes - do something else for customers that they don't have access to... for example. As a distributor/dealer, Cycle Search has access to parts and accessories at lower cost. So, sell bikes and offer parts/accessories at cost for a certain time period after purchase. Or, free/discounted service for a given time period for the people that aren't mechanically and have no biker friends to do it for them. Just my quick $0.02... I'm sure the more I think about it, the more added value activities I can come up with that would increase the customer satisfaction experience.
  2. Then tell us what happened to our thread...
  3. So, like, anyone have an answer? I need closure.
  4. I'm pretty sure there's comedy gold in those threads.
  5. At least it wasn't like the Sopranos where they cut off in mid sen
  6. C'est la vie... I was waiting for someone to start a "Where'd the thread go" thread, but I try to not be that guy because I'm sure it was moved for some reason beyond my understanding. I'm not going to antagonize by starting another one... but I will continue commenting if someone else does. It's bound to happen, someone will get impatient...watch :D

  7. Ohh, it's not lost... because my rep from it still shows up on my User CP... it's just not accessible to us mere mortals.

    Dammit, and I worked hard in MS paint for a solid 45 seconds on Shitty's pic. :p

  8. I'm surprised the new guys don't lurk around long enough to know they're asking for trouble posting up pics of their girls...:leghump:
  9. We'll get to see how good he is under the pressure rice cooker
  10. All one of them? No seriously, jbot's cool. (Dammit, Pauly beat me to it) It's the blacks you have to worry about pissing off. They'll take all our white women.
  11. I had to look up Herman Miller. Them are some fine ass chairs... ergonomics FTW!
  12. That group doesn't seem ripe for lobbying efforts or anything
  13. Calm down, it was a figure of speech... like "Aww, look at that baby's little kawi kid"
  14. Did you rock out uphill, both ways, in 2' of snow, with plastic bags over your shoes?
  15. "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words hurt my ePeen"
  16. My momma always said, "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, say it over PMs"
  17. From what little I know of Pauly, I bet he did. He calls it like he sees it.
  18. She's not supposed to ralph on your sack either, but yours apparently missed that memo. You know you'll never live that down.
  19. Don't you mean a 'leaf' of absence.... I crack my shit up.
  20. She's got some big chompers - that scares me a little bit. Just a little bit.
  21. I'm no PETA member or anything, but I don't think we need a state board to tell you that you probably shouldn't fuck 'em.
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