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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Clinton met those guys? Please cite sources.
  2. So, wait... this is a big deal NOW, when the article said it's nothing new... and had been doing the same thing in Iraq when Bush was in office? It's all Obama's fault, now. Got it. It's all Obama's fault that the bill gives the commanders the discretion to authorize the use of these funds for this type of policy. So, Obama's a "fucking retard" because he's spending your tax money on this program rather than bullets and soldiers.. when this is one of the most cost effective (and I'm guessing safer) alternatives. Right. Got it.
  3. Disclaimer


    You're a dick. Now I need to go rearrange the garage...
  4. Dammit, it's been 3 hours... the TROLLS need fed.
  5. Reboot! It kicked sooo much ass.
  6. No one here is from Akron No one here likes Ducatis (except that guy -------^) No one here knows good roads <sink or swim n00b>
  7. Definitely had the best priced XBs @ LE, sucks you're stuck w/ the 9 and not the 12 (my opinion only, I'm a power junkie) Congrats.
  8. You would've had to have been in class that day. I was tripping balls (and I don't smoke and wasn't hungover that day). But, IIRC I think it involved making a few reasonable assumptions in order to add some additional numbers into the problem. The numbers weren't explicitly given to you in the problem, but if you thought about it, they could easily be researched or logically assumed. You settle on a laptop yet Fonz? The Gateway one you posted seems like a decent deal - my home tower is a Gateway I got before college, and I'm still running it. 8 yrs later - 2.0Ghz, 512MB RAM... all I did was add 250GB to the 80GB it came with. In the past, I know my parents and I both were dicked over by Gateway, then dicked over by Dell, and then went back to Gateway. I had the bearing fail in my fan, but that was a $30 replacement on my tower. For lappy's though, I have a preference for Toshiba, Sony, and HP - but no experience to back those up, just what I've read. Not that there's anything wrong w/ that Gateway you posted.
  9. Disclaimer


    New to me then... I've never flooded anything with FI, cars or bikes.
  10. Disclaimer


    Interesting procedure, but it concerns me as to why it's even necessary... Why would an FI engine get flooded to begin with? By and large, that shouldn't happen.
  11. Meh. You're not missing much. I've had better...It was the first thing that showed up when I typed "make motivational poster" into the search bar.
  12. Mj. I'm very popular with her. Move along to lightbulbs.
  13. Honda > Buell. Low hanging fruit, Tod.
  14. Uhh, like psycho said... you use better techniques. Torture doesn't yield results. I'm not going to dig through all my links again, but I believe I read that the best results were yielded when you befriended the terrorist to the point where they saw that their 'enemy' wasn't really that bad - and as trust and rapport is established, the information and communication gateway is open. This method is much better at yielding ACCURATE information than torture. You can't see how ignorant the stance is on using torture to gain intelligence? If I was getting sodomized by the worlds largest horse and it started becoming painful and you screamed at me "Tell me where my family is and the horse will stop". 1) If I'm innocent, I have no clue about your family, so what's the right answer? If I say "I don't know" you assume I'm a liar and punish me more. So, I'll makeup information just to get the torture to stop. 2) If I'm guilty, how would you know? You can't PROVE it, I'll just act like I'm innocent and we'll repeat situation 1. Even if you're absolutely SURE I'm guilty, and terrorist worth their salt isn't going to cave - they'll continually send you on wild goose chases, wasting YOUR time and resources as you investigate every potential lead, until you decide to kill them. And what do you benefit by killing them? Nothing other than to serve your own petty emotions of vengeance, as they're the only ones who knows where your family is. Besides, they're already prepared to die for their cause or they wouldn't be in that situation to begin with. So, once again, tell me how much great information we ever got by torturing people? Mr. Salem Witch.
  15. Must... hold back.... opinions on organized...religion.
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