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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Thursdays after lunch I'm still plateauing on the lowpoint of my week. The plateau starts Monday morning. I'll be in a better mood tomorrow at this time.
  2. Who said anything about ACORN? I can play the same game to make things sound evil...(or good, depending on your lifestyle) Non-profits like churches...
  3. In light of the revelation of his full entitled name. It is acceptable. Please click 'OK' to continue.

  4. They're not classified as zombie puppies until they come back after the first punt. Which is why I love them - I get twice as many attempts at field goaling them. Reminds me, I totally saw a football shaped pug the other day, but there were witnesses so I wasn't able to use the "it's coming right for me"-line. It would've been a bold faced lie. For all those taking me seriously.... don't. I don't kick puppies IRL, only in my dreams.
  5. You're just stirring a pot that isn't even on the stove yet. It's his job as president to review stuff, he makes no promises either way. And non-profits get tax breaks already, so it's not a bailout - the newspaper industry restructures, and thus have an opportunity to restructure their taxable income. No big deal, molehill != mountain.The postal service thing - I need more info on that. They're running a deficit, but where are the costs at? I'd like to understand HOW that deficit came to be - retirement spending, healthcare, RHD Jeep repair and maintenance?
  6. Will someone please think of the poor insurance companies... http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/041b5acaf5/protect-insurance-companies-psa
  7. Drive in is for people that actually don't care so much for the movie, but would rather have something going on in the background whilst they boink each other. I'm not saying I'm going, but if I did, once again - Cobblestone in Sheffield, or Crocker Park in Westlake.
  8. Don't worry, you'll get 'em next time champ. /condescending father voice
  9. Seems like they want to legislate any purchasers or holders of handguns to basically submit to a CCW process application and background check in order to legally own a firearm. I think the intent of the bill has a little merit, but the application in which they want to apply this is f*(ked up.
  10. Is that what she was yelling about??... I couldn't hear her because my head had some other chicks thighs wrapped around it.
  11. It's because when normal people get together and watch zombie flicks, inevitably the normal people blame the zombie apocalypse on the Jews (because everything is their fault) and it turns into a big anti-semitic rally. Likwid don't need that.
  12. I dunno... I got yelled at tonight. So, I'm playing it by ear.
  13. Must...attempt... to not be.... mean to MJ. You just set yourself up so good. And you say you might 'have to get a shotgun' like it's a bad thing? Shotguns don't need chains, sprockets, or new batteries... you'll be OK.
  14. It's a Buell... put insurance on it and PRAY you could be so lucky someone actually takes it. I keeeeeed. You could always get a Theft system that'd page you when people mess with it. Also - LoJack
  15. Next one... that's fine, but what do I do about the one I have NOW!?
  16. Here's the official list: http://www.cars.gov/files/official-information/trade-in-vehicles.pdf
  17. I thought that's what coshocton was... one big motard track they call a city? Or was it one big city track full of mo' tards? Regardless - you've got plenty of space.
  18. Makes me soooo mad I want to chokeslam a puppy through plate glass.* *Not really, but that would be stress relieving after the heart attack this article gave me. Honestly though, these people need smacked upside their dumbass heads for 'turning in' some of these rides. Originally found here: Ten Most Exotic Cars Destroyed By Cash For Clunkers http://jalopnik.com/5365954/ten-most-exotic-cars-destroyed-by-cash-for-clunkers/gallery/ ^------ this has pictures of the cars to click through if you don't know what some of them look like (or are). Linked from: Exotic clunkers also got the crunch under program http://www.freep.com/article/20090923/BUSINESS01/90923004/1322/Exotic-clunkers-also-fueled-recent-program
  19. So good it deserves its own thread. When someone says they got 5 on it... I think of this. Nom.
  20. If you did more than suck dick, you'd be able to look people in the eye
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