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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. No wonder you can see me all the way from the east side w/ that horse of a lens.
  2. That's not a heart, it's your mother's throbbing vagina after I wrecked it. You need better optics, apparently.
  3. Riding the MAGNUM? I didn't know he hung out with Inya outside the board?
  4. ^--- and that's what happens when you take two trees down out of your front yard. I told the girl we'd lose our privacy.
  5. No one was in any power ranger suits - I have one, but don't wear it on the street, so I was lacking in the pants dept. I can't confirm, but I think I was the only guy wearing full boots and gauntlet style gloves. The majority had leather or textile jackets, helmets, gloves and tennis shoes, high tops - only 2 of the guys were in long-sleeve shirts/sweatshirts. Coincidentally, those were the two guys that had incidents - of course. Those were my observations. But, I don't know if you're itching to turn this into a AGATT thread, personal responsibility thread, or what direction you're going to take with this... I'm anxiously awaiting.
  6. Now that, that is (probably) true. But, like Tod pointed out... pot meet kettle there.
  7. It only hurts when it comes from the ones who let you have buttsecks with them. Tod makes me has a sad.
  8. No, but he didn't say it to my face either... and since I wasn't there to hear it I only heard it secondhand. Either way - sticks and stones, I'm not bent outta shape about being called a douchebag - far from it . I'm actually surprised that during the hour ride over from New Philly he didn't come up with some additional choice words for me because I obviously pushed his eButtons. Actually, I'm almost disappointed he didn't go off on a huge rant that just publicly dressed me down for his little camera show. Edit: To be fair, I'm not sure this whole thing was really about ME so much as the "Ohio Posers". I just may've precipitated it, .. because I'm not the only one who ragged on him for all the crap he spewed on this forum. And I don't exactly have the most inconspicuous bike - along with the Ohio Riders sticker right on my windscreen. When he came in and realized who I was, he made the false assumption that everyone I was with was ORDN too. Granted, I'm the only one he called a douchebag, so he may have a personal vendetta against me, but he wouldn't even take the olive branch that Greg extended to him, so whatever... I was willing to take any razzing he wanted to dish out (I expect to take it, if I'm giving it), but my record is clear and I was in my full complement of gear, so apparently he didn't have much to razz me about when he came in. Other than saying I was "posing" in Wendy's instead of out riding - because I obviously caged it down to a Zanesville Wendy's from Cleveland with my cycle gear to impress people. I'm sorry? Hell, I didn't even eat anything. I've got nothing personal against anyone. I would've ridden with the guy, shared a laugh - but I guess he's still butthurt over the photoshops I did after his publicly posted opinions and photos of himself regarding his moral and ethical compass (along with his decision making skills) based on what he has advocated on here.
  9. Finally got around to posting up our ride report... you recognize any of these bikes? http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=34076
  10. What a horrible message of personal responsibility, education, and love for ones country. DO NOT be brainwashed!
  11. A sexist comment would be more like: Why are we even acknowledging womens athletics?
  12. I know where there's an SV1k for 4k.... but it's over here. http://www.hondaofavon.com/new_vehicle_detail.asp?sid=05741236X9K7K2009J9I28I39JPMQ3374R0&veh=6012&pov=1361292 They may even give you that little comb to keep the crabs off that seat when you get it - you said you went to BG-STD right?
  13. Or... get a wife. You just give her all your money, and she'll tell you what you do and don't need.
  14. FYI, when he "signs" it... it won't say Todd #43, he's more cryptic than that. At least when he left me negative rep... It might've been signed 'T' or something like that - I don't remember. And here's a comic:
  15. I think it's time to collect on those chicken wings... Srsly though... negative equity? You do not want to get upside down on things, especially at your age. You'll dig a hole you're NEVER going to get out of. It all goes back to living within your means. It's not difficult, don't spend more than your income. You don't have to "keep up" with anyone to impress people (that's one of the big reasons people go into debt). Yea, I might not have the nicest things, or the 'latest and greatest' stuff - but it's all paid for. That's a healthier financial attitude. Just take a hard look at your WANTS vs. your NEEDS... I think if you guide yourself by what you really NEED in the strictest sense of the word - you'll get some perspective on the items you have. Once you get out of this period and start making some good money (post college or whatever) then you can slowly focus on your WANTS.
  16. No, I've mentioned it to Greg to get on here (and I"m sure Tod has too), but he's not really interested. He's pretty hilarious to hang around with, pretty soft spoken for the riding skills he has. The guy that dumped the ZZR - Greg just sold him that bike a few months ago. I'll ride down to the M&G with a group here - weather dependent. He pointed out exactly where you broke down too. It was fun... there was some corners with gravel that I didn't appreciate. I almost crossed the double yellow around one because I went in hot, trail braked a little too hard and slid the rear out enough to make me worry. As long as you keep moving, that's not a bad route to just make a quick ride and come back home. It shouldn't have taken us from 10AM to 6PM to do it. I think we probably could've been back by 4PM if we didn't have the incidents (ZZR, R1, and Wendy's). Yea the kid on the white was pretty good, pretty level headed. I wish I would've had a liter bike just to see if I could've kept pace with him because I think I was faster in the turns, but the R1 walked on me in the straights. No, Greg was riding at maybe 70-75% of the pace I think he could've ridden at - he said he left a little 'in the bank' because he didn't want a super fast ride. He was riding just under your pace and he wasn't trying to sucker anyone into to keeping up with him... except when he challenged our boy Quik to 'run em' You ain't kidding, I was lifting the front on most of those hills under normal acceleration. That was a little disconcerting - I started getting out of the throttle when I crested a lot of those after the first 3 or 4 so I wouldn't get all nimbly-bimbly.
  17. Updated lead post to cross reference the actual ride recap.
  18. Semi-continuation of this thread: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=33954 Sunday a crew was going to roll out from the usual meet spot (Rt. 82/ Rt. 83) around 10AM. We started the day with 7 bikes: my SV, a ZZR, an R6S, two new R1s, and two ZX-10s. I really only knew 2 of the other guys, Greg (aka Jinx ) and Jon, and only Jon (Turbo810) was another member of Ohio Riders site. Start of the ride: The plan was to roll out down 83S, hit 78W, 555N, 60N, 39E, then 83N to complete the loop. Map of Route We were pulling off the four-lane bypass south of Wooster. We hear a screeching tire, then a motorcycle rev up, then sliding gravel. I look down and there’s a teal ZZR lying on the ground next to me with the rider in the grass. Honestly, I’m just glad he didn’t run into the back of me and take me out. I pull my bike forward to park it, then we all help the guy pick up the bike and get it fired again. He decided his day was over at that point, so he turned and left. He didn’t stick around long enough to get a story out of him, but we think he was one of those guys that favors the rear brake, came off the off ramp a little hot, locked the rear up trying to get slowed down for the stop sign, accidentally blipped the throttle attempting to control his slide, then finally dumped it right next to me. His fairings were rashed up pretty bad on the right side and he broke the wiring harness and light to his right turn signal... but it can all be fixed. I’ve marked the spot on the map above – the marker right south of Wooster. The rest of us went on our way. We made it all the way to 555N before the second incident. Having never ridden 555, I didn’t know what to expect so I wasn’t going to push it too hard this time. Having ridden it now, it’s filled with a bunch of switchbacks and 15-25mph 90* left and right hand hairpin turns. Very technical – and great for motorcyclists. I was following the kid on the gray/red R1 and we came up upon a sharp left hander. We both slowed, but apparently he didn't slow enough – he stood the bike up and went off road, turning his sportbike into a dirtbike. I remember seeing him stand it up and hit the first rut – the ass end of the bike up in the air like a bucking bronco. I didn’t want to get target fixated, so I focused on my line to complete the turn, stopped, and turned around to help. This spot is also marked on my map (if you look at the “Streetview” and look north, you can see the 90* left hander). Luckily he was OK, and the bike was rideable. He said he kept it up until it came to a stop then it kind of just fell over. It broke some plastics up near the dash, but the side fairing looked fine aside from some dirt. He was actually really lucky that he didn’t hit the water main sticking up – he missed it by about 5 inches. If he would’ve hit that, I’m pretty sure he would’ve cartwheeled the bike. Here are pictures from the scene: The homeowner (and his kids) came out and bullshitted with us – telling us stories about the drunk drivers that run off that corner (how he lost his patio), about his dirtbike racing, and about his own personal streetbike accidents. He was a really friendly guy, a complete hillbilly (not that there’s anything wrong with that – I have hillbilly roots), but a cool guy. He also suggested trying to run route 669... so I might have to schedule a trip to do that. You'd think the drama for the day was over? Not even close. Once we finally got going again, we decided to stop in Zanesville to grab a bite to eat. Completely unplanned, we roll into a Wendy’s on Rt. 60N near SR 70. ^--- the rest of that story is in this thread: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=34023 After all that weirdness... all 6 of us made it home after one more gas stop. Sorry I didn't get the names of the other 3 guys that rode with us - my lack of social skills strike again. I'm sure Greg knows them. They were cool guys, but the offroad R1 guy should think about getting/wearing some gear for the next ride He's lucky it turned out as good as it did.
  19. Nevermind... I saw it once and ONLY once, and whoever it was must've known I'd be observant enough to see it. Made my day... photochopped or not.
  20. OMFG, who is "Me" and where did they get that mugshot on the homepage!? Un-flipping-believable.
  21. After the chain of events that occurred... we wish you were there too... you missed a very entertaining day. This was where I got the "word on the street". Your VM's made me I'll have to start riding by your place and gunning the VTwin just to make sure you hear me.
  22. I'm right in the middle of my background check for my CCW... I don't need the drama or legal hassle of fighting with someone. No need to ruin the day more than it already had (we had 2 go down on the ride) - but that's neither here nor there. I'll get that posted up in another thread.
  23. Me either - but that's the story I got from the guys who talked to him... that whole part is secondhand
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