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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Why not just open a shop that exclusively sells GSXRs to 18-24 year olds as their first bikes, and base the business model on the parts business? Of course, that makes the assumption they're still alive when they come back for parts.
  2. You guys all realize that happened circa 2008 right?
  3. Yea... that's the local panhandler at Walmart. He is out there often. http://www.wkyc.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=246648 ^--- that's only funny because the video in the link is all the B-roll footage they used for the story on TV.
  4. Post the negative rep... 05-30-2012 08:47 PM crb Someone thinks they're clever, yet he calls me the troll. You try too hard.
  5. Just remember that whatever you build still won't be faster or better than a 98 GSXR-750 SRAD.
  6. Z68 has onboard video, which is nice should your Radeon 7980 xfire / Nvidia 580GTX dvi Sli megaporn x4 video card ever crap out. Cleave is right, you dont NEED the z68, but you dont need AC in your Porsche either.
  7. I think the ivys are still the 1155 socket... and you'll want a Z68 motherboard. Take the info above with a grain of salt....im on my phone so i skipped the verification step, you'll have to do that yourself.
  8. Never happens. Ever. Not on a clear day, not with the marked lanes on the highway, not with a OSHP trooper that walks out into the middle of the lane to stop 4 guys on sportbikes. Not ever.
  9. He ended up getting rid of a trailer he wasn't using. That's what you meant right?
  10. says the guy who threatens to put me on ignore because he can't find a pair of 'big boy' pants to have an adult discussion and has to leave negative rep because that's his only way to fight back. Ohh, and it only took you 4 days to come back and google that image. You're still dwelling on it son. Your irony never ceases to amuse.
  11. I'd like to know where the objective definition of "safe" is written down. I can't find it in the ORC. Seems more like a subjective call to me.
  12. Who determines what is safe? Me, as the operator of my motor vehicle? You, as an observer of the operation of my motor vehicle? The law, as judged by someone appointed with said authority? Or an objective definition as written into law? (ie. "It is considered safe when... you are moving at less than 5mph relative to those vehicles with which you are merging and have enough distance between your vehicle and the opposite vehicles so as to have 20ft in the front and rear of your vehicle once merging has commenced")
  13. So your contention is that the "flow of traffic" is only applicable to the lane you're driving in? Disregarding the opposite and parallel flows on multi-lane thoroughfares?
  14. Where's Sam-"Moar Fear"-Busa when you need him?
  15. I get that one, pretty cut-and-dry, you can't merge or change lanes into someone. Your second part however, is a little more subjective. Given the "normal and reasonable movement of traffic" at that particular moment in time is slow/standstill, one could argue that they were in compliance, especially if they had signaled to merge back into the left lane. Secondly, "stopping or reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or to comply with law", one could argue they felt their recourse for safe operation was to come to a complete stop in order to safely merge in the left lane. I don't know offhand what laws are applicable to construction zone signage and what legal weight a "Right lane closed, merge left" orange sign has, but if I were to feel like I wanted to play 'traffic cop du jour', I should have legal merit to sit in the right lane with the intent to merge left (ie. sit there in the right lane with my left turn signal on) in order to comply with the signage. No? Whether I actual merge or not is my choice, but in the eyes of the law, safety and complicity are the key words and I could debate I was acting in accordance with both. Especially the safety verbiage. Unless there's some case law to refute the subjectivity of safe operation of a motor vehicle?
  16. You'll have to explain this one further...
  17. Only if you put your bike on 'tumble'
  18. C'mon... who doesn't install a hidden camera in their bedroom?
  19. And I thought I was on ignore this whole time... but, it's nice to see the sensitive ones still get butthurt around here. Man w/ 30 kids wants... 05-22-2012 08:19 PM crb
  20. Such hurtfulness from this thread. Coming from jbot, I thought such things were
  21. ^---- Take it from this guy. His taxes are complicated, they require some addition and subtraction.
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