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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Did you guys know we landed on the moon? Learn something new everyday.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSGbdK7v2L0
  3. But you've thought about it... And that's what matters I need his number so he can teach me how to bed some bitches.
  4. I know you let him hit that for 'rent'
  5. I'm sure he's travelled farther for worse... What's a few hours for a sure thing?
  6. McLaren’s chief designer is a master Internet troll Follow the link for the entire story, but this guy is modifying his 1198S and posting about in on the Ducati Owners Forum... for great justice, apparently.
  7. Fill it with pornography (pref. girl-girl) and I'll come get it.
  8. The first rule of ride club is you don't talk about ride club. The second rule of ride club is ignore all postings of fonts > 12pt or in all caps
  9. I guess I'm the only straight guy that rides shirtless though Lakewood and gets cat called at? Maybe they're not whistling at me, maybe they just like my MotoSandals? Maybe I'm "just asking for it" because of the attire I choose? (Amirite ladies?)
  10. For SHAME! That's not true. I've ridden with cbrbrent, and NinjaDoc, and Lammiepie and Tpoppa, and a trackday with twisted12. It seems YOU'RE the one that can't come out and play. It's like you come to a motorcycling site like ORDN for the same reason everyone else does -- to talk about guns and politics.
  11. Can a mod move all speedy's posts from this thread? I don't like to read about him whining about me whining. It's hurtful.
  12. Rick Perry Already Walking Back His Social Security is a 'Ponzi Scheme' Comments http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/rick-perry-already-walking-back-his-social
  13. Should've caught me about an hour ago. $7800 buys some classy hookers and sufficient blow Or lots of not-so-classy hookers and blow. Guess which route I went?
  14. Walgreens pharmacist, fired for firing at robbers, fires back with lawsuit
  15. So, do you not pay your taxes? Is that what you're saying?
  16. How do I know? You expect me to believe that just because you never got caught that you haven't ever committed a fraud? Saying that SS isn't a Ponzi scheme is a fact. Just look up the definition of a Ponzi scheme. You apparently aren't aware of the difference between opinion or fact.
  17. If being educated makes you liberal, I understand why you're not one. Can I guarantee 100% that zero dollars have been fraudulently taken from SS? No. But can you guarantee you are Charles from Salem, OH and have never did anything fraudulent that would be on court records somewhere?
  18. I did, the very first bullet point in the link from the nonpartisan factcheck.org site, explains the difference in simple and plain words. The difference, once again, is Ponzi schemes are intentionally fraudulent while SS is transparent. If you cannot grasp that, then I guess the appropriate cliche is "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"
  19. Aww, look, Charles from Salem is all worked up on the internetz because he can't handle some FACTS. How cute...
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