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Everything posted by MadMax33

  1. Well, I found what may be the toughest set of curves on Ohio, which is Rt.536, down in the southeast portion of the state. One curve even has a STOP sign, if what I read about it is true. If we ever went down that way, plan on it being an all-day event. It's part of a loop of sorts so it will be easy to get back home, and there are over 100 turns in 12 miles. Crazy shit right there. If you master that then it's time to race. I'm glad we all had a great time today. Rt.9 gets even better, from what I hear. Next time we shall take it till it ends. Life is short...
  2. We have a dangerous hobby but I love it still. Heal quickly and get back out there.
  3. There is nothing like using your bike the way it was intended, out on the backroads instead of going back and forth along the city's main drag, letting everyone know how loud your pipes are. Props to the ladies on 250's. You should have stopped and told them about what we do and where we go. They might show us a few things. If only the cagers would stay off the curves.
  4. Anyone care to name one historian who lived during the time that Jesus was alive and wrote about the crucifixion, the resurrection, Jesus turning water into wine, the Virgin Birth, and the numerous absurdities that occurred in the New Testament? Jesus was a very common name back then but as far as the biblical Jesus being historical, this kid doesn't buy it.
  5. Well, the ride was a success, for the most part. We took 77S to 30E, then we took 172E until we ran into 30 once more. From there we caught 164S until we got a deserter. Down to three, we carved a few corners until reaching 212, where we took that to the Atwood Lake run, followed by a quick jaunt on Rt.9, which is great as long as there are no cagers. We only saw one other group of sportbikes near Atwood, hauling ass through the curves. Of course there were more Harley's than sportbikes, a true tragedy in today's world. Now if the cagers would kindly at least do the speed limit and not be afraid of those 45mph curves, it would have been a better ride. Still, everyone seemed happy to have participated. We will have to repeat this run.
  6. Great, we will have a great time. Today is perfect. I plan to get off my bike only to eat and get gas until dark, LOL. See everyone around 11:00 at BP...
  7. Hey, BP Arlington works for me since then, Cosmo can easily meet up with us southerners. We can do this. I know a better place to go than Atwood, and it's quite technical. Of course we could still do Atwood as well.
  8. So who is in then? How many people want to go to a place where you can open your bike up a little and hit a few turns? The rain has stopped. Gas prices are lower, the Arabs still want to kill us, ect...
  9. Well, I have a route in mind but it's near my neck of the woods, as long as there are no time constraints. I have no life, soon- to- be no job, no girl as I lack the necessary emotional tools to maintain a relationship, so I get to focus on my hobbies more than others. One of which is riding. Now if only I could make more money so I can fuck more working girls. I love to buy American. Go USA!
  10. Tonight as I write this it's raining pretty good. Let Nature have her fun so tomorrow I can have my fun. I actually saw some hail today as well. Cosmo, just remember to mentally prepare yourself before a turn and you can usually make it out OK. I remember how that Keith Code book mentioned how you need to purge yourself of SR(survival reactions) before you really get into aggressive riding, like braking or chopping the throttle in a turn. I find myself still making errors after 11,000 miles on both a 600RR and then moving up to the 1000. Honda bikes are very forgiving, for the most part. I did see a 20mph turn that could be done doing 55 but it was after your little spill. Everything ended up pretty well and I got to show a Harley dude what a real motorcycle can do. See you tomorrow?
  11. Sounds easy enough. How about where to go, as far as routes? I know Atwood is always fun. It should be a bit dry compared to our last adventure. I suppose it depends on how much riding we want to do...
  12. When are humans going to give up on this bullshit? I would love to hold your hand and tell you that it's going to be OK as you go through life and that when you die, a special paradise awaits you but I hate to lie. Jesus was a fictional character, just like Moses and that broad Eve. We all have the right to believe in whatever we so desire, just keep it at home and don't come knocking on my door unless you're a hot lady who can suck the chrome off of a trailer-hitch. Monotheism is a cancer that needs a good dose of chemo, like reason and accountability. One life and then you go back to being a non-entity once more. Is that so bad?
  13. Hey, my clothes and my bike match my personality to a certain degree. Actually, I had no intention of getting that bike when I saw it but you know how things are. Life is short, seize the day, grab her ass, ect...
  14. Anytime I read something like this, I feel a bit guilty, due to the fact that I am somewhat of an underachiever. During that age, I wanted nothing to do with girls and now, they want nothing to do with me. Parents should not have to bury their kids but that's life in the cosmos.
  15. Damn, this board is cutting into my drinking time, with getting up early on the weekends and such. I am in though but I don't know where that particular QSL is, although I can find out. Sunday should be pretty clear...
  16. MadMax33

    NEO Cruisers

    I want an M109 for when I move down south and encounter plenty of flat roads, near Charleston, S.C., where I lived once before. I'd miss my 1000RR though, so I will keep it until it blows up.
  17. I was on Rt.21 and I zipped by a group of Harley's and then one of them tried to catch up to me for whatever reason, so I showed him some Jap power. Why do they do that? Anyways, I had a nice relaxing ride. I did see some water on my way back but it only lasted for about 5 minutes or so. Nice to meet everyone...
  18. I'll be there unless it's raining...
  19. MadMax33

    NEO Cruisers

    Hey, what part of Stark county do you live in? I'm in Massillon right now. I've been able to ride more since my hours have been cut at work. So for next week I'm off Mon. and Fri. Drop me a line if you want to cruise. I don't ride too fast...
  20. MadMax33

    NEO Cruisers

    I had a VLX as my first bike before I traded it in for a Magna, which handled better and was faster. Once you ride a decent sportbike, you will wonder why you ever rode a cruiser, unless you want to attract fat chicks. Then again, I could care less about getting the ladies just because I ride a 'rocket. Those little Shadow's are sharp though. Great first bike...
  21. From Cleveland, Rt.14 S takes you pretty much to Salem and then you can take Rt.45 to 164 S, which isn't too bad really. Then stay on 164 until you run into 212, which will take you back to 77N, for the quickest way back. From Akron take 76 E to 14 S and you're in Salem. Sunday should be nicer than Saturday but who knows anymore...
  22. If you're going to stop and yell at someone regardless of whether you were right or wrong, expect a fight. Get off your bike as fast as you can and get ready for crunch time. That way you will be prepared mentally so you can take apart the majority of the idiots who really can't fight that well. Move into angles that make it harder to be attacked and counter with everything that you have in your arsenal. I'm not a ninja so I can't backflip off my seat and immediately take out three guys, so I would try to maximize my advantage by being in motion. The only problem with hitting assholes is that it does become an addiction after awhile. That's why I avoid confrontations when I can. It feels too good to knock someone out...
  23. Well, the most technical road would be Rt.164, if you want a few turns but that's out of the way of Salem. I am off of work until bloody Tues. because of slow orders at the shop I work at so I am going to see if I can get a job at Burger King or something. Yeah, and then I'll go to the bathroom and shit out two turtles. No more jobs in food since I really don't like alot of folks. As long as you ride, you're OK with me. Well, I'm open to new routes...
  24. Well, I am always up for a little cruise. As long as it's pretty dry, unlike the last time we crossed paths. I hope you washed the other half of your bike...
  25. Don't get me wrong, I can keep up on my big liter but you seem to be more skilled when it comes to wet weather.
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