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Everything posted by MadMax33
I may head up to the next gun show and see if I can get a glock 23 compact there. I have a glock 22 that is an older model but that thing shoots all day long without a hiccup. When I start to carry, once I get my permit, it will be a glock 23 or even a 19, which means I'll have to get magazines for it. The best things about 9mm are the price of ammo and the amount of recoil compared to the 40S&W. I don't buy the whole stopping power deal since people react differently to being shot, unless you disrupt the central nervous system. I'd love to carry my Ruger GP100 around as well. A good IWB holster should do wonders for that cannon. As far as Springfield XD's go, I only shot the sub-compact 9mm which failed to impress me. One failure to feed but then again, it was a range gun so who knows what kind of abuse it had before I got to it. I did like the design though...
The first rule of fight club is...no drooling.
NAACP...Negroes Are Actually Colored Polacks...
All we have to do is move all of those hot Russian girls over here for a year, watch them morph into fat cunts when they eat our food, then ship them back to the former Soviet Union. Then the Russian males won't want to fuck them, thus halting the birthrate of the Commies...
Nothing but positive encounters with Harley owners. When I lost my front tire due to a blow-out on my Suzuki Intruder 1400, a very nice cruiser which I no longer have, an older gentleman stopped by and let me use his cell, which helped out a great deal. He rode a Harley but that day he had his truck. At a gas station a few Harley riders gathered around my 600RR and checked it at a bit, commenting that it had alot or torque, which was true. It's all about the road, really. As long as your on it with two wheels, you're good. Some dude on a Sportster tried to race me in a roll-on when I was riding my 600RR. When he got smoked he stayed well behind me, even when I was doing the speed limit, the punk...
Hey, drunk and posting is fun, but so are hookers. We all die but the most important thing in life is to experience everything, short of a cock up your ass unless it's for ALOT of money. My friend was killed out at Sequoia National Park and left under a waterfall, where they found him. I was just out of high school and naive as to how the world actually is so it hit me very hard. His casket was open and you could see the bruises on his face from where he fell. Plus, he was pretty old, being 19 and all. After that, his dad went out to Vegas and died a broken, bed-ridden man. Life has no meaning unless YOU give it one...
There is no god and life isn't fair, so what you need do right now is go and find a hooker, and fuck her ass please.
Sounds like a good time if the weather lets us have our way. I do want to put more miles on my bike than I did last year. That means more trips like this, which are always great.
I didn't hit any real curves on my ride yesterday although I did hit triple digits, just briefly. It takes a little time to get used to the technical stuff once more and this year I will try to increase the corner speed a bit. Every day that I can ride, I will this year...
Yesterday I was out for a brief ride as well. I saw a Buell that looked pretty slick and a few cruisers. Hopefully tomorrow I can go out and really open it up...
What's 12 inches long and white? Nothing.
I really hate it when someone puts a gun to my head and makes me watch those pesky movies too!
The first time I remember my grandmother kissing me, she slipped me the tongue...FML
These days a liter bike's weight is not really an issue, especially the new 1000RR and they can do corners rather well. I'm glad I upgraded since the 1000 is alot better for long distance riding as opposed to the cramped 600RR I had previously. For the street, I prefer the 1000 since good twisties are a ways away from where I live.
I read about this yesterday and I became depressed for awhile. Hello Nanny State. I truly hate where our country is headed right now. Let's cause even more people to lose their jobs because Big Brother knows best. Of course alot of people care more about American Idol than living in what used to be a free society and if Oprah is ever assassinated, we will descend into anarchy.
Isn't there a sequel to "Brokeback Mountain" coming out called "Angels And Fairies?"
I was born an atheist and that's how I will die. There was a brief period when I was a believer of sorts, but I was never one to talk about it nor did I think it was very important at the time. Hey, the Middle East is one of the most religious places on Earth, and look at all of the love that goes around. There is nothing wrong with a little advertisement in rational thought. Some people believe that The Rapture is near so they want to tell everyone who drives behind them, with those goofy bumper stickers that say, "In case of Rapture, this car will be unmanned." Sorry, but if I can't take my motorcycle with me to the after-life, I don't even want to bother.
Hell, I still don't own my own home due to my nomadic nature. Give me a room with a bed and enough room for my toys, a place to park my bike, and that's all I need. If we put a cap on what people can make, we are punishing those with ambition and drive, which is not what capitalism is all about. If you're not making enough money to raise a family, you should have gotten an education or learned a trade before you shoved your dork into your high school sweetheart.
The last time I went riding with someone, a wreck occurred. Since I was in the lead, I didn't see what the Hell happened other than the fact that there was a bike in the grass, in front of a tree. No deer, no gravel, just a shitty turn of events.
Still at my job after almost 7 years and we even picked up a new contract about 4 months ago that should keep us working for the rest of the year at a steady pace. Now is NOT the time to quit a job to look for another unless you already have something lined up that's a guarantee. Look for my post about pimping my mother out and you'll know how bad things are...
Anything involving a group ride is fun and it's always better to ride with a few people rather than solo ALL the time. This season I hope to increase my riding skills so bring on the twisties.
I truly despise "Gun-Free" zones and I would have to have something on me regardless of the law, which pretty much pisses on your right to self-defense. Hey, Virginia Tech could have been prevented if someone decided to break the law and carry a firearm, thus putting that loser away before he took anyone else with him. I'll take a misdemeanor over a casket anyday.
If those guys down in Australia would treat their sheep a little better, they would no longer need the fuck-dolls...
Yes, soon I will be forced to pimp out my mom. I'll give you all a discount, I mean, we're all brothers, right? She is old but when she has a seizure and the dentures fly out, she gives the best head...
Of course all male cops are gay. Why do you think they refer to their cars as cruisers? Plus, they are afraid to lean on their nightsticks or it might get too serious...