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Everything posted by MadMax33

  1. Me: My name's Brian. Can I kiss you? Gutter slut: NO! Me: So a blow-job is out of the question then?
  2. Yes, everyone in the theater laughed when the Joker did the magic trick. It was very original but Houdini might frown upon it, if he were alive...
  3. Alright Kosmo, just don't leave me in the dust if it starts to downpour. I like to keep it in the double digits when it starts to rain...
  4. I'm about 70min. from the starting point but I can make it.
  5. I went to see this movie over the weekend, when I was in L.A., and as we were leaving we started talking to a few guys that turned out to be executive producers on the film. My cousin and I thought that too many things were thrown into your face at the same time and it got a bit preachy after awhile as well. Heath Ledger was worth the price of admission and it's ashame that he couldn't handle life that well.
  6. Hey, I was gone all weekend or we could have messed around on Rt.9 or 164, if you were up for a longer ride. Now all of my weekends are free so if you want to ride with this old man, let me know...
  7. Life is short for many of those who chose to actually live it. In the end, we are all fucked so keep doing what you love to do, and if you like to pull over bikers' if you're a cop, don't take this advice to heart...
  8. One speeding charge on my record so far this year. Ten over the limit and no points. I could have ditched him but I didn't think he would turn around since I was only doing about 10 or 11 over the limit. Now on highways I keep the speed down once in awhile. I didn't buy a liter-bike to go slow. As long as you stay hypnotized in front of one of the dozens of reality-themed TV shows rather than go out and live life, the cops will leave you alone. Better yet, buy a minivan or a SUV, that way you can make the roads safer when you get a call on your $300 cell phone because you forgot to put the timer on the roast. I love this country, really I do.
  9. She also sat on the bike for a bit. I'd check your seat for creepy crawlies...
  10. MadMax33

    7/13/08 Ride

    I took Rt.60 from 224 awhile back and I remember all of the tar-snakes. I went all the way down to Marietta. Talk about an Iron Butt ride...
  11. Well, I could have taken it to court for the ticket being wrong and maybe getting it dismissed. Maybe. The judge said that the speed would have been corrected before the trial, charging me with going 11 over. I just have to watch my speed on highways.
  12. Wow, what a fucking ride! That's the first time ever that I have been in the rain that long, and I didn't lose traction once. At least now I know what my bike does in the rain. Which means my car will never be used until it starts snowing. I was glad to meet some good people.
  13. I graduated High School there, back in '93. It's a good thing that the public schools sucked because if they were actually challenging on an academic level, I'd still be there. Still, I had some good times there and my memory can recall some great detail, especially how I really wanted my social studies teacher. She had great legs...
  14. Alas, the one thing I miss about my Intruder is it's ability to make me feel safe in the rain. Heavier than a sportbike and no chain to clean when I get home. A 40% chance of rain usually means a very overcast day. We should grab brunch so the Akron folks can catch up, if it's still raining...
  15. The rain has stopped and the roads are drying up here. I'll see everyone at the Fighter Group.
  16. You are correct. I stick out like a sore thumb around here since I always wear that pesky safety gear. Some parts of Rt.44 have some decent curves, until you run into Rt.30. Lots of cruisers out today. One of them even passed me as I was about to pass a cager. I'm too slow...
  17. It's pissing down rain 20 minutes from where the show is going to take place. Fuck this Seattle weather. Maybe it will run it's course before we all meet up in the morning. What a bitch. Still, I was out today and some older gentleman blew by me on a Harley, doing about 105 on one of the local back roads here. At least he was trying. I wasn't...
  18. Someone's pantyhose is in a bunch, it appears. Well, I guess you didn't see that little smiley face I put at the end of my paragraph, indicating my sarcasm. Hawaii, huh? Well, we all have our faults. However, there is no excuse for being born in Texas;)
  19. Dear, Rt.11 is a 65mph zone unless you are driving a vehicle that weighs more than 4 tons. Even the judge agreed with me that the ticket was wrong, although they still could have gone after me for the speed I was clocked at. So rather than spend three kinds of assloads of money on a lawyer, I pleaded "No Contest" to a lesser speeding charge and I got out of there. You hicks don't even know the speed of your own roads, just like the LEO, and that was his job;)
  20. I ride pretty hard but I don't ride beyond my limits. Of course I will be in full leathers. Safety first.
  21. Well, if you see me on a street corner with a sign that reads "Why lie? I need beer money", then my insurance rates have gone up.
  22. Well, nobody's getting married that I know of and there are only a few old people left in the family who might die soon. So I think I am free to actually enjoy myself for awhile. Marriages and funerals. More often than not, the former leads to the latter. They are both useless...
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