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Everything posted by MadMax33

  1. Yes, we were heading to Atwood when you had your problem. We would have taken Atwood and then jumped on 164 from there, a nice place to go. Today is almost perfect. My cousin and I are going to ride for a bit after he is done with work. Tomorrow I think it should be cooler but clear. You never know about Ohio...
  2. I'm in on this as well. That has always been a pretty clean ride. Perhaps I can get my little cousin to tag along, who just got a used 600RR a few days ago. Between Atwood and taking 212 to 164, which is easy to do, I am never bored in that area.
  3. It's too bad that out culture doesn't truly embrace the sportbike community or we would have safety crews going over all of the twisty roads, removing gravel. Or better yet, every one convicted of a DUI or hitting a motorcyclist would be required to be a part of the anti-gravel crew as part of their sentence. Oh no, that would be too practical. Let's have our prisoners watch TV and play in rock bands. Much better...
  4. I live in the Canton/Massillon area but technically I'm in Massillon. Lots of bars and no jobs, the sign of a dead town and nobody wants to let the Indians build a casino that might boost the local economy. There are no shortage of churches, however, another sign that the local population is depressed and insane. Man, Ohio does have some nice roads for riding but if I lose my job, I may have to move down south, filled with more churches and also more opportunities. To ride year round would make it all worth it. I could open up a lemonade stand on the roadside of Deal's Gap...
  5. The true rulers of our planet can only be seen with a microscope. Humans are not special and there is no Ultimate Plan for any of us. The best we can do is enjoy the time that we have here, however brief it might be. I am not scared in the least by the prospect of dying from the flu since if it happens, after it's over I won't know about it anyways. I just hope someone changes my underwear...
  6. Sounds like a plan. I'm in...
  7. "Why tip-toe through life only to arrive safely at Death's door?" I'd rather die on my bike, carving some curves rather than sitting in my own piss in a nursing home, watching Dr. Phil re-runs but that's me.
  8. Nice editing of my post. Sorry, I'm only half-Greek:thefinger:
  9. It's a lose/lose situation when you ride long distances on a race-replica seat.When you speed and ride for hours, your ass takes a pounding. If you get caught while you're speeding, you go to jail and your ass takes a pounding. Only it's Bubba and not Corbin...
  10. A cook-out at Greg's place sounds quite excellent. I wonder if he will be serving venison?
  11. Anyone want to go hunting? Bambi must die!
  12. Ever ride a Boss Hoss? Not exactly flickable. I believe they are over 1000lbs., with a V-8 for an engine. Crazy. I had a chick yell out "Crotchrocket!" one time when I was at a stoplight and I thought to myself as I looked at her, "Rottencrotch!", but no real hostility;) I've accepted the fact that I am a person who has chosen to ride a machine that not many people will have the guts to ride, or the skill to keep it upright. When people see you doing something that they cannot do they tend to get jealous. Then they start with the name-calling. Sometimes humans can be pathetic animals...
  13. Sorry, I am not Australian...
  14. Wow, you should have figured out the marriage scam the first time out but I heard goats make great milk. If push comes to shove, you can open up a petting zoo and use the profits to get a bike...
  15. What he said...Do your balls sweat alot from being inside of your wife's purse?
  16. When it comes to women and bikes, I always chose the bike. If I need to spread my seed among the galaxy, I pay by the hour. Now if I got into a relationship, I may indeed go bankrupt. My Fireblade doesn't provide me with any sexual gratification but you would be surprised what you can do with an after-market exhaust;)
  17. So gray hair and scabs get my dick hard, so what?
  18. That shirt looks good on you but if I ever encounter a woman with a "Natural Lover" t-shirt, I must assume the last time she shaved her armpits or her cunt might have been during President Kennedy's term...
  19. Oh fuck, I've seen that same grin when my 3rd-Grade class went on a field-trip to the local institution awhile back. Only I don't drool as much...
  20. That's OK, Cosmo had an even better time when he came down south for a bit, without any mishaps I might add. Funny that he should wreck on that ride as opposed to where I took him the next day. We were carving some corners and we missed having a little Silverwing to watch our backs...
  21. Nope, we started out with four and ended up with three.
  22. May you be forever fucked in the ass by the syphilitic cocks of a thousand AIDS-infected faggots!
  23. PIITB then call it an evening...
  24. What sort of gear was he wearing?
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