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Everything posted by Sully

  1. I think it's funny that people still buy stamps. I take care of everything electronically. And when did they raise them to 45 cents? Now I'm really glad I never buy stamps!!
  2. HAHA! That is great. Of course the first thing I clicked on was the bunny, but they won't FuBar it. Damnit!
  3. I'm very interested in it. Sending you a PM.
  4. Several years ago when I was still living with the parental units, we lived in the boonies and had no cable, so I bought the DirecTV equipment from Circuit City and installed all of it myself. I never had a problem with the service, even during strong snow and ice storms. I had anchored the dish to the side of the house with lag bolts and just made sure the rest of the bolts were tight once I got it aligned. The only reason I'm with TW now is because I live in town and it's convenient to have everything on one bill.
  5. Damnit!! I would go tomorrow in a heartbeat, but work ownz me. I'm tired of this 7 day work week BS!!
  6. Sully


    How was this a riddle? It was just a simple math question.
  7. Where did you get that figure from? Something you read? If so, where?
  8. Mr. Hankey The Christmas Poo - By Kyle Broflofski That one's even better!! Nope, wait... even better yet: Merry Fucking Christmas - By Mr. Garrison
  9. I hate this time of year. It's too fucking depressing.
  10. Too bad we didn't know about this a couple weeks ago. I missed a ton of great college football games due to work. I'm watching ESPN right now. This is so cool.
  11. With information that I was given earlier this year, the answer is no. However, seeing as how technology advances so quickly these days, there may be an alarm system out that can tie into the digital phone line. When you do check on this and get an answer, please post back here and let us know. I'm very interested in this topic.
  12. At the end of this month, after I'm done working 7 days a week, I'll be getting this one for my truck: http://autopageusa.com/t_inside.cfm?action=products&catID=1004&prodID=32ec4f06-0e11-4b15-b145-d28af84486d4 It has a range of up to 1 mile.
  13. Man, I can't believe you are having such a hard time selling this stuff, which is kinda disappointing because I have the exact same thing that I was planning on selling the beginning of the year. Good luck though. Anyway, can I get some pics of the weights, I may be interested in them. osusully@columbus.rr.com Thanks, Mike
  14. Should at least make him buy you dinner as well.
  15. Yeah, but then once the nice guy comes along, they put up a "wall". They feel that you are too nice and something very bad is going to happen. Everything bad that has happened to them in their past, is held against you, even though you have never treated them bad in any way. Damn, I hate that fucking wall!!
  16. I will check tonight when I get home and let you know.
  17. What wattage are you looking for? I have a spare one, I believe it's a 450 (i will have to double check when I get home). It worked when I took it out. I had upgraded the mobo and proc so i upgraded the ps too. If you'd be interested in it, i'd take $10 for it. Let me know.
  18. Until yesterday, I had worked 11 days in a row 11-12 hours each day. Back at work today and will be here every single freaking day for at least 12 hours each day until xmas. It sucks, but the paychecks will be very very nice.
  19. Sully

    Beard much?

    I don't know how guys can stand to grow beards. If mine starts getting any little bit of length to it at all, OMG it itches like a mofo!! As soon as the itching starts, I have to shave. I just can't stand it. If anyone has any tips/pointers on getting past the itchiness, I would like to hear them. I was kinda wanting to have a beard for winter.
  20. My guess, is yes. Just a hunch.
  21. I grew up on a 50 acre farm in an old ass farmhouse. I know all about well water. It SUCKS!!! Here's a piece of info to think about for future reference. Fill up about 10 gallon jugs of water and set them to the side. If at some point you don't have running water for bathroom duties, you can pour the water in the toilet tank and still flush. I had to do that many times. You can even use the stored water to brush your teeth, cook, wash hands, etc.
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