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Everything posted by Sully

  1. I'm not working right now, so i'm home all the time. I have been keeping him in the crate during the day like he would be if i was working, except that I have been letting him out every hour or so and take him outside. I want him to get use to being in the crate for when I do land a job. I feed him at the same times every day and let him play in my living room in the evening, then put him in the crate when I go to bed. I almost always catch this dog in the act of making messes. When I do, I snatch him up real quick and head to the door using the outside command. I just can't figure out what it's going to take to get him to go to the patio door when he has to go. I'll read through that site later this evening.
  2. The problem is getting him TO the door. He just won't go anywhere near it.
  3. Within an hour of starting this thread, he shit in his cage for the 3rd time!!!!!!!! Ryan, when you was here the other day, you saw how I had his cage blocked off. Enough to sleep and turn around in. He shit on one side of that area. Do you think I should block off that area and just give him half of what he had? If I go outside with him, he wants to sit on my feet and not go potty. Once I found this out, I stopped going outside with him. Now, he's to the point that when I let him out, he will pee, but wants right back in. The puppy DVD my neighbor gave me said to leave them out at least 5 minutes. I've been giving him at least 10. Still, he goes out, pees and then paws and barks at the door the rest of the time. Within an hour of him being back in the house, whether he's in his crate, or roaming around the house, he'll shit. I use the "outside" command repeatedly when I put him out. When I let him in, I tell him "good outside" and give him a treat. When I am outside with him, he either walks right beside my feet or just behind me. He never walks in front of me. I'm at a loss. I grew up on a farm. We always had outside dogs and never had to deal with this. I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong, or if this dog is broken...LoL
  4. I have an 8 week old boxer. The MF'er absolutely will not go to the patio door when he has to piss or shit. I have to physically take the damn thing outside about every 1 and 1/2 hours. Once he's outside, he will do his business. I have had like 5 hours of sleep the past 5 days because of this. Is this normal for this age of pup? I just got him out of his crate to take him outside. He started to follow me, then turned around, stopped in the kitchen, looked back at me and pissed on the floor. W-T-F!?!?!? Does anyone have any tips to get this asshole to go outside? I even have one of those puppy piss mats at the patio door. He won't even go to that. But here's the catcher. This dog is fucking smart. He knows that in order to open the patio door, you have to pull the handle. When he wants to come back in, he tries to jump up to reach the handle. I also taught him in 1 day, that when I let him back inside, he MUST sit on the piss mat until I wipe his paws off with a towel. How in the fuck does he learn that in one day, but after 6 days, he still wants to piss and shit in my house?? Can anyone help me out here? I am desperate. I want to fucking sleep!!!!!
  5. I just watched it. Funny shit!!
  6. Ya know, you could get it now and build it when the funds are available for the concrete. I'm selling mine for $1,000 less than what you can get them on ebay for; it's a steal!!!
  7. As you know, the final weigh-in was suppose to be yesterday, but it was Easter Sunday, and Buckeye has been very busy and couldn't host it. He said he can host it next Sunday, the 15th. However, MegamanEXE said that he will not be available next Sunday and has asked for a refund. What do you guys want to do? Do you still want to weigh-in on the 15th? Do you just want to call it quits and get your money back? Let me know what you guys think. Thanks, Mike
  8. Yeah, I told him about that a few weeks ago, but at that time, he still wanted to do it today. He messaged me this morning saying that he's been busy with moving and work, so he can either send everyone's $20 back to them, or we can have the weigh-in next Sunday. I said next Sunday would be fine with me. How about everyone else?
  9. Found it. Give this place a call. Dayco Appliance Parts Co 620 E Weber Rd Columbus, OH 43211 614-262-6446
  10. There's an appliance parts store at Weber and 71 where I generally get parts from. The name of the store has slipped my mind at the moment. As soon as I think of it, I'll post back here.
  11. What time do you want people to come for the final weigh-in today?
  12. ^^^What he said. The kerosene fumes will get to ya in a closed area. I used it in my garage two years ago. Just opened the overhead door about a foot and ran the heater. Was just fine for several hours. Plus, this thing will automatically shut off for a bit after it gets to a certain temperature; like a furnace in a house works. Once the area cools back down a bit, it will automatically kick back on. Let me know if you want it and we'll work out a time for ya to come get it.
  13. PLEASE NOTE: I am adding a finder's fee of $200 to the first person that can get the steel building sold to someone for $5,000. If you can get it sold for $4,000 you will get a finder's fee of $100. If you are able to get the building sold for more than $5,000 you will get the $200 finder's fee plus anything over $5,000. Curvco Steel Building. Size is 30x40x15. The style is what Curvco calls P Model. It is still on the skids. I have all the nuts, bolts, and instructions to go along with it. This building has 1 solid endwall and the other endwall has an opening for an 8x10 overhead door. Door not included. Paid $10,000 for it, but I need it gone ASAP, so I'm asking $5,000. For more information on it, see their website: http://www.curvcosteelstructures.com http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/5969/p1011557ef1.th.jpg http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/5024/p1011558al2.th.jpg http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/8276/p1011559oc3.th.jpg This is also posted on Craigslist: http://columbus.craigslist.org/grd/328387110.html Thanks, Mike
  14. Sick dude!! I love it!! I agree w/ having the bottom done w/ the lining. It'll help keep rock chips and rust away. I'm planning on having mine done at some point.
  15. I have a 30x40x15 Steel Building that I'm trying to sell. I bought it a couple years ago, but never put it up. It's still sitting on the skids. I paid 10K for it, only asking 5K. Hit me up on PM if you are intersted in more info. Here's the website of the place that I bought it from. http://www.curvcosteelstructures.com The one I have is the P model style.
  16. someone buy these things and get them outta my garage!!
  17. Are you looking for one for the garage or a nice one for inside the house? I have a tan fridge in my garage that I want outta here. It's not pretty. Some rust around the bottom. It has a water dispenser in the freezer door, but I don't know if it works as I never hooked it up. Also has an ice maker, but again, not sure if it works. $20 and it's yours. If you're interested, give me your e-mail address and I'll send you a pic.
  18. Damn, I didn't have any problems when I cancelled mine a couple years ago. I used them for the first 2 years I was here at my house and they SUCK!! I switched to Scott's. Much much better.
  19. My woman and I took her 5 yr old to see it. We thought it was pretty good and didn't walk out.
  20. I've had a really bad cold for the past 3 months. Coughing up huge chunks of green stuff, stuffy head, headache, constantly blowing my nose. Finally went to the dr today because when I woke up this morning, I was coughing so hard I was almost puking. Dr said that my chest was so bad that it sounded like a smoker's w/ bronchitis and i don't even smoke. He gave me some pills and this cough medicine that has codeine in it. Wooooooo. About time for the loopiness to start kicking in!
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