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Everything posted by Sully

  1. You know i'm in. PM me ur address. Also, could you clarify the time slot that people can stop by to get weighed in? I don't quite understand that part. Thanks.
  2. We need to use a digital scale. I have one if one is needed. Scott, just post the new thread. People will come up with ideas all year long. We know what the rules are/should be. Someone just needs to take charge and say "here it is, if you don't like it, tough".
  3. Honestly, it is only fair to have everyone weigh-in on the same day. If someone weighs in on Saturday, that gives them an extra day. I know it won't make too much of a difference, but it can mke some. Plus, the person hosting the weigh-in has to be available both days since everyone needs to weigh-in on the same scale. I don't think we should try to have everyone weigh-in every 3 weeks. That's just too much. I know I will be outta town a couple times between now and the final weigh-in. I'm sure everyone else will have other things to do and possibly not be able to make it every 3 weeks. The initial weigh-in and the final weigh-in is all we really NEED to do. In theory, weighing-in every few weeks would keep the competition interesting, but I just don't think it's practicable.
  4. Oh, and once we've got the details ironed out, Scott, if you're going to host the weigh-in, start a new thread titled something like ***Biggest Loser 2007: CR Edition*** and put all of the details in the first post and see if we could make it a sticky for the duration of the contest.
  5. I say we just leave it as one big group. Every man/woman for himself/herself. If someone wants to get a trainer, that would be up to them. It would kinda seem pointless to pay for that if you're trying to win the pot. To each their own, I guess. But using a trainer wouldn't be cheating, IMO. As far as supplements like slimfast, or whatever, I don't know. Something like that is suppose to be a nutritious supplement, whereas I don't consider diet pills nutritious. Know what I'm sayin?
  6. Sully

    Digital Phone

    I wish I could get WOW at my place. :-(
  7. Sully

    Digital Phone

    Yeah, I feel Digital Phone would be my best choice as far as price goes, I was just wondering who all has it and what company they are with. I haven't checked the link you posted yet, but from the ones I listed, SunRocket is the cheapest. I was curious if anyone here has SunRocket and how well it works. I suppose there's one way to find out. I'll have to see if they have a free trial period or something.
  8. Now that it looks like we have a lot of interest, who is going to organize this? I live on the westside, across from Georgesville Square. I can organize it and have the weigh-in at my place if you'd all like. I believe there were a couple other people that said they could. Let's decide soon before people start losing interest or get too involved with other things.
  9. A lot of people were interested in the one last year, but only 5 showed up at the weigh-in. Including my $20 buy-in, I won $100. I like the idea of having a couple weigh-ins during the middle so that people know where they stand and to make it a little more competitive. Having a 2nd or 3rd place person getting cash will have to be determined after the original weigh-in so that we know exactly how much cash is in the pot. Like you said, if the pot is large enough, it would make it more enticing.
  10. How do you determine which group to put someone in? Say you have Group A (bigger people) and Group B (smaller people). What is the weight cut-off for Group B? Also, in this case, you would have to have 2 winners and have to split the cash in half. Yes, for someone who doesn't have as much weight to lose, it would be hard to win, but they have to realize this before entering the contest. Maybe you are looking at it a different way than I am. If so, please explain in more detail.
  11. Sully

    Digital Phone

    Almost all of my family lives out of the state, so most of my calls are long distance. The unlimited local/long distance plan that I use to have with SBC was running about $50 per month. A basic line isn't going to do me any good and an unlimited plan with SBC is more costly than Digital Phone.
  12. Sully

    Digital Phone

    I used over 2,000 minutes each of the last 2 months. That resulted in 2 cell phone bills of $350+ each. Right now, my cell phone plan is $40/month. In order to get enough minutes, I would have to increase my cell plan to the $100/month plan. That's an extra $60/month. If I could get digital phone for $24.99 or less per month, that would be the route to go. Oh, and cell phone reception is pretty crappy as it is, so it would be any different...LoL.
  13. Sully

    Digital Phone

    I'd be keeping my cell phone, just not using it so much.
  14. I will most likely get in on this. The one that I was in last year lasted for 10 weeks. Pick a weigh-in date; a Sunday generally works for most people. Make it a couple weeks from now so that people have time to put it on their calendar. A $20 buy-in is reasonable. You need to have the $20 in hand when you weigh in. The person organizing the event will hold onto the cash. Then pick a final weigh-in date. Make it either 10 or 12 weeks out. Everyone must weigh in on the final weigh-in date or they forfeit their $20. I think it should be 'every man for himself'. Trying to make teams would take too much time and be way too difficult since everyone has lives outside of this event. The final weigh-in is calculated by percentage of weight lost. That is the only way to make it fair. The only last thing I can think of is...honor system. Losing weight is to be done naturally....Diet and Exercise. Those are the only rules I can think of. What do you guys think? Anything you want to add/edit/remove?
  15. Sully

    Digital Phone

    I don't have a home phone, just been using the cell for the past year. By November, I had used all of my rollover minutes and went WAY over my plan minutes the past couple months. I've been thinking about getting Digital Phone, but I don't know too many people with it. I've been looking at a few providers and here's what I found: SunRocket: $24.95 a month or $199/yr, prepaid, which is approximately $16.58/month. $39.95 equipment fee waived with annual plan 3 months free if you sign up for the yearly plan $0 cancellation fees Vonage: $24.99/month $29.99 Activation; $9.95 s&h $39.99 if cancel after 30 days but before 1 year Time Warner: $34.95/month $3.00/month if you want voicemail Obviously, SunRocket is the cheapest by far. I called TW the other day about their Digital Phone. The lady I talked to wasn't willing to negotiate the price at all. She said she could add some more programming to my cable tv package for an additional $6/month (WTF???). I don't watch much tv as it is, so that doesn't do me any good. The people that I've talked to that have TW Digital Phone say they like it. I haven't heard any reviews of the other two (other than online reviews). Do any of you have Digital Phone service with either of the other two providers? If so, how well is it working for you? Any input on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Mike
  16. When I got in on this last year, I weighed in at 215. Ten weeks later, I was at 175. At that time, I thought for sure that I would have to get in on this again this year. However, I have been able to pretty much maintain my weight. On a bad day, I weigh 180. I would like to get down to 165, but I don't think 10 - 15 pounds is going to win any contests. Hell, I just might get in on this, mainly for the motivation.
  17. Can you get some pics of it and send them to me? osusully@columbus.rr.com Thanks.
  18. Sending you a pm w/ my cell#.
  19. I am looking for a corner computer desk that will hold a tower pc and an all-in-one printer/scanner/fax thing. Let me know what you got. Thanks.
  20. When it's all said and done, I'll probably have 3 new Buckeyes shirts tomorrow. The g/f and I decided several weeks ago not to exchange gifts, but use the money for my cousins' kids. This past Thursday, she and I went to the Ohio State Fairgrounds and volunteered with the Salvation Army. We helped parents pick out toys for their children. My 2 cousins and my aunt ALWAYS get me Buckeyes shirts, which will be 2 sizes too big; they always are...just more stuff for me to donate.
  21. I have a set of 3.73's for an 8.8 I'd let go for $75. They only have about 5,000 miles on them. They look great. None of the teeth are chipped or anything. Let me know if you're interested or have any questions. Thanks, Mike
  22. HAHA!! OWNED!!! Just givin ya shit bro. Seriously though, listen to these other guys about going and pretending to have a good time. Plus, I'm sure the scenery will be nice.
  23. Digital Programmable Thermostat FTW. If you decide to get one of these, make sure you get one that you can program each day of the week seperate.
  24. I know what you mean. I was just fuckin with ya.
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