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Everything posted by Sully

  1. And a hatchet!! WTF was he planning on doing???
  2. http://columbusdispatch.com/news-story.php?story=204036
  3. Are you just wanting it hauled away or wanting some cash for it? i'm really only interested if you just want it hauled away. thanks.
  4. Hey all, I'm looking to pick up any spare motorcycle parts you have laying around that you just want to get rid of. A friend and I are working on starting up a business and we would like to pick up as many parts as possible. I'm looking for frames, engines, engine parts, wheels/tires, gas tanks, seats, etc. Let me know what you have. Pics of the items would be helpful as well. Thanks!!
  5. All this talk about food is making me hungry!!
  6. Sully

    Free Cereal

    hella sweet. but i'm not driving out to marysville for that. i wonder if it's like that at all krogers.
  7. why don't you just go to a cingular store. i'm sure you could get a nice NEW phone for $80
  8. I've been on several other first dates where I thought it went well, but didn't get the callback. Anyway, she called me last night and we talked for 2 and 1/2 hours. There's definitely going to be more dates with her. I'm hella excited about this. We get along great and have sooooo much in common.
  9. Thanks for the help guys. We pretty much determined that there's nothing to do in the area. So here's how the evening went... We met at Milano's. Guess what, it's fucking closed. So we drop her car off at her work, 2 seconds away. She tells me about some place just past the Limited toward Newark. We get there, fucking closed. LoL. Went back to the burg and ate at Max & Erma's. We sat there forever talking. I finally suggest getting some DQ. So, we go there, and sit there talking forever. We were trying to think of something to do, but it was just too friggin hot to do anything outdoors and couldn't think of anything indoors to do that was close by. So we do end up seeing a movie, since we had already spent the previous 4+ hours talking. We saw "My super ex-girlfriend". Her choice. Then I took her back to her work, dropped her off and came home. Sounds like she's interested in a 2nd date, but I've heard the "we'll have to go out again soon" line many times before, and never hear from them. She's suppose to call me a little later tonight. So, we'll see.
  10. Oh, we'll most likely be going out tomorrow, so keep the ideas coming. Thanks.
  11. As always, thanks for the ideas. Since this will be a first date with her, I don't know much about her likes/dislikes as far as activities, but it'll give us something to talk about over dinner. Peace.
  12. Here's what I want to know...They are saying that gas prices are up because crude oil prices are rising... Ok, but how come you can still buy a quart of oil for the same price you could 5 years ago???? It just doesn't make sense.
  13. Oh, I definitely agree.
  14. I live and work on the westside, so i'm never on the eastside. I am going on a first date with a chic this weekend. We're planning on meeting up in Reynoldsburg for a bite to eat, then probably do something afterwards. What is there to do in or around the Burg that would make it a fun first date? Also, where would be a good place to eat at? Not looking for something hella expensive, just decent. Thanks in advance for your help.
  15. No, you sleep on top of it... here's your sign.
  16. Now we know why you are in Vegas... http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060724/us_nm/life_swingers_dc
  17. You might have, but I was well on my way to being durnk when I talked to you. LoL.
  18. No wonder I wasn't able to get ahold of you this weekend. When will you be back here? I need to talk to you about getting some Bengals tickets. Peace.
  19. Just saw your post John. I pm'd you back this morning. I am going to start working on the car when I get back from vaca.
  20. I've never been, but would like to sometime. One that I always drive by is Trapper John's in Darbydale. There's canoeing in Hocking Hills as well. I'm sure there's many other places, but those are two that I know of.
  21. Thanks Ant!! I'll send him a message this morning.
  22. I wouldn't consider Indiana local.
  23. Hey all, I need to have the transmission rebuilt in the TA and would like to have it rebuilt with upgraded parts. Is there anyone local that can do this for a good price? I have been thinking about just buying the parts from t56rebuilds.com and doing it myself to save some money, but since the trans is a very critical component, I think I would rather have an expert do it. If you know of anyone, let me know. Thanks!!
  24. Sully


    This has got to be the best thing I have read all day!!
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