I think this dieting thing is going to kill me faster than being fat would have. I've been eating a shitload of fresh fruits while I'm at work so that I don't wander over the the wheel-of-death. Because of this diet, I'm hardly ever shitting and building up so much gas, my stomach hurts all the fucking time and feels like it's going to explode. I guess I might have to get some metamucil, exlax, or some shit like that...LoL!!!
It really doesn't help matters that on my way home from work every morning, I pass White Castle (the damn place is right beside my house), and the car just wants to turn into the parking lot, and I have to fight to keep it on the road.
Oh, another thing that sucks ass, is that right after I weighed in, I get notified that there will be some parties coming up in the next couple weeks. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must.Resist.Beer. I never thought I would ever hear those words come out of my mouth. LoL.
/rant off.......for now.