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Everything posted by Sully

  1. I've proven time and time again that I can eat way more food at one sitting than you can eat in an entire day..........................bitch.
  2. My stomach pains are pretty much gone now....thank god. I still want to eat all the damn time though. It'll probably take a couple weeks for the cravings to go away.
  3. Call TW and get your RR reduced to RR Lite. I just did that. I was paying approx $45 a month for RR and just found out that last year, they started offering RR Lite. It's 19.95 a month. I just use RR for e-mail and surfin the message boards and I really can't tell a difference in speed. The lady told me that RR Lite is 384K down, 128K up. Doesn't bother me at all since I don't game or d/l stuff. I also reduced my cable tv to standard (2 - 75). My cable bill went from $93 a month to $47 a month. TW doesn't like to tell people about RR Lite, for obvious reasons. When I told her that I was going to cancel and switch to DSL, that's when she told me about RR Lite.
  4. I think this dieting thing is going to kill me faster than being fat would have. I've been eating a shitload of fresh fruits while I'm at work so that I don't wander over the the wheel-of-death. Because of this diet, I'm hardly ever shitting and building up so much gas, my stomach hurts all the fucking time and feels like it's going to explode. I guess I might have to get some metamucil, exlax, or some shit like that...LoL!!! It really doesn't help matters that on my way home from work every morning, I pass White Castle (the damn place is right beside my house), and the car just wants to turn into the parking lot, and I have to fight to keep it on the road. Oh, another thing that sucks ass, is that right after I weighed in, I get notified that there will be some parties coming up in the next couple weeks. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must.Resist.Beer. I never thought I would ever hear those words come out of my mouth. LoL. /rant off.......for now.
  5. I wonder if it will be made available here... http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060227/wl_uk_afp/britainwhiskyoffbeat
  6. whoever is next in line on the AB Bench, go ahead.
  7. Thanks Anthony. I tried pulling up LS1Tech ealier this morning, but it was down.
  8. This is on the TA. Every time I start the car, the RPM and Speedometer needles go all the way over to the right and the tripometer resets. Anyone know what is causing this and how to fix it? Thanks in advance.
  9. Would you seperate the stuff? I'm only interested in the AB Bench. If so, how much just for it?
  10. I'm with you on this one. I live in the Holt Run subdivision. There's about 80 houses in my development. It's a 3 year old subdivision and there's already been several foreclosures. I'm in the process of refinancing my house for a second time already and these fucking foreclosures are owning me. My house isn't worth dick because of this shit. I'll say it again... FUCK YOU DOMINION HOMES! I will say though, that Greg is the man and is working his ass off to get me the best deal possible.
  11. Let me know when/where to pick it up at. PM'd you my cell #.
  12. Crap, forgot to check the tire size when I was there the other night. I'll get the tire size for ya either tomorrow or Monday.
  13. I would be interested in the Keg cooler. Can you get pics of it? Or when/where could I see it?
  14. That's cool. I am wanting a tv to put back down in my basement since my big screen is upstairs again.
  15. You taking all three Josh? I would like to have one. If you weren't planning on taking all three, could you grab one for me?
  16. They are in storage. I'll be able to provide you an answer tomorrow.
  17. Save some cash, do the header install yourself or buy some food & beer and have a couple friends come over to help.
  18. I believe Greg was saying the same thing as you, he just didn't go into the detail. What he was saying is that you can't write off home improvements while you are living in the house (owner occupied).
  19. Well, when I found this thread, I was aking $100 for them, and reduced the price to $80. I had paid $125 for them and never got the chance to install them in my car. I'm taking a pretty big loss on them as it is. The lowest I could probably go is $75
  20. Ha, found one of my old threads and I still have all of this shit. PLEASE get this stuff out of my house!!! Make offers.
  21. I agree with the others. If you do it by percentage, then I will most likely get in on this. I want to lose weight, but lack the motivation. This just might just be the motivation that I need.
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