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Everything posted by Sully

  1. Sully

    Need a carfax

    ummm, it says at the bottom of the thread that the link no longer works.
  2. Don't know if this is the right section to post this in or not, but I need a carfax ran on a car that i just bought. Yes, I know, i'm doing this bassackwards, but i still need it. PM me if you can do this for me. Thanks in advance, Mike
  3. I was in Reno this past weekend. Went to a casino and dropped $20 for the Steelers to win by 7 and 1/2. Got my $20 back + $30. w00t!!!!!
  4. send pics to me as well. osusully@columbus.rr.com thx
  5. Thanks for all the info. But, I called Cingular today to have them send me the V551, but was then informed that because it's been just over a year since I received the first V220, that it was out of warranty and that I would have to pay $115 for a replacement V220. I told them where they can shove their V220 and said that at the end of the year when my contract is over, I will be cancelling my service with them. This was the last straw with Cingular. I work for Verizon Business, so I will most likely be switching to Verizon because I get a discount.
  6. I have Cingular service and currently have a Motorola V220. I've had this model for a little over a year and they have already sent me 2 replacements and this one needs replaced too. I called their exchange department today and told them that I'm tired of replacing this phone. She said that since this one needs replaced, I have the option of getting a different model. My options are the following: Motorola V551 LG C2000 Nokia 6102 Sony Ericsson Z520a You can go to http://www.phonescoop.com and compare the models, but I feel that people's personal experiences with phones is the best way to "compare" these phones. So, if you have any experience with these phones, please tell me what your opinion is and which phone you think I should get. I also have the option of getting another V220, but if any of the above mentioned phones is better, then I would obviously rather get one of those. Thanks for your time.
  7. That was pretty sweet and all, but it would have been more enjoyable if someone could have kept the camera still for more than a fucking second!! jeesh
  8. Yup, saw the GT500, Camaro, Z06, Challenger, and many other vehicles today that I can't afford. *sigh*
  9. I'm not passing this up just because of the "potential problems". I'm passing because my friend informed me that LS1's are much easier to work on than LT1's. Just an FYI.
  10. I spoke with a friend the other day about this car. He suggested that I look for an LS1 instead. So, I think that's what I'm going to do.
  11. I'd be looking to mod this car like a mutha, so would any of this really matter all that much?
  12. Cloth or leather interior? I am interested in checking this car out. I've got some things in the works and if everything works out, I would be able to hand ya cash. Is the price negotiable at all?
  13. Sully

    New company.

    I'm on this list as well. Been in this building almost 6 and 1/2 years. UUNET WORLDCOM MCI VERIZON BUSINESS
  14. At my previous job, a co-worker and I tp'd our manager's office. We used an entire roll of tp, you know, the gigantic size industrial stuff. We wrapped it around her desk, phone, chair, everything. We even strung it from the ceiling and had it rigged so that when she opened her door, all of it that was on the ceiling came down on her. That was great.
  15. HAHA!!! Funny thing is, I actually did this to one of my cousins several years ago. It was a cd case. I wrapped it with regular wrapping paper (to protect the cd case), then wrapped that with an entire roll of duck tape and then wrapped that up with regular wrapping paper again. It took her like 1/2 an hour to open it. My entire family was laughing the whole time. Ah, the good old days. Another quick story. A few years before that, I actually wrapped up a piece of coal for the same cousin. She didn't find it too funny. Everyone else did though. Damn, I'm a mean cousin...hehehe.
  16. i have a baby gate thing you can have for free. i just want it out of my house. let me know if you still need it.
  17. Elbow grease. Seriously. My neighbor has 2 dogs and 2 cats. I went into his house the other day and about passed the f out. It smelled like piss so f'ing bad. It's because they don't clean as much as they should. Just use ammonia and water and scrub the floor. You should do this at least twice a week. IMHO, nothing works better than this mixture with elbow grease. If anyone can come up with something better, I will stand corrected.
  18. Is your girlfriend going with you? If not, then tell her I said <Joey voice on> How YOU doin? <Joey voice off> J/K mang, sorta (he he). Have fun in CO. I hope you like it there. Peace!
  19. Did anyone see the 'Mind of Mencia' show where he gave that kid the DE DE DE award? That was funny as shit.
  20. After reading all the replies, I knew that viewing that vid would be bad, but it had my curiousity peaked, so I had to see what all the fuss was about. OMFG...that was the absolute most fucking gross thing I have ever seen. EVER!!! I will never admit to anyone that I know you or have ever heard of you. You really should be banned for posting that nasty ass vid. What in the holy hell (haha) were you thinking when you posted that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? Damn dude. You really need to make it up to everyone and post some hot lesbian pron vids. At least 10 vids for every second of that vid.
  21. Sully

    guy advice

    Are these guys that you have dated in the past or just friends that he knows as well?
  22. Why would someone put an '01' on a Challenger? The General Lee is a Charger. Honesly, I wouldn't put it past someone to do it, but that person would deserve the DE DE DE of the year award. Finallly, Chrysler pulled their heads from their asses and made it a two door. They really ruined the Charger by making it a four door.
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