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Everything posted by Sully

  1. That's actually kinda cool. It's pretty much like Siri. However, it picks up voices in the room, so you have to move it room to room as you need it. My iphone fits in my pocket, and I have it with me all of the time.
  2. Sully

    CR Cooks

    Double smoked ham I did today in my Brinkman with Cherry wood in 20* weather. My first time smoking a ham and it turned out awesome!!! http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii316/OsuSully/121918FF-ED92-4626-A14D-B720A5D635BE_zps3tais4qi.jpg http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii316/OsuSully/60CD9EC7-3D68-48D4-B830-EB233619B015_zps0hetsgzr.jpg
  3. I can't believe it took this long.
  4. How in the hell does the husband not know that much money is missing from their bank account? Geesh.
  5. All I ever seem to do is fix shit around my house. This past weekend was fun....NOT! I have well water at my house. Thursday evening while at my 2nd job, the wife calls to tell me that we have trickling water. I installed a water filter between the pressure tank and water softener this summer and have had random issues because of it. I tell her to turn it to bypass. No water at all. Friday, I took the day off from my main job and replaced the pressure gauge and pressure switch. Still no water. I had the start and run capacitors tested (old 3 wire well pump). They tested good. FFFFFFUUUUUUU. It's the well pump. I decided to just have someone replace that since it could possibly be a major task since I didn't know how deep my well was. That got replaced Saturday morning. When the guy rewired my well pump to 2-wire, he told me that my pressure tank is bad too. FFFFFFUUUUUU. I told him I'd replace that myself. So, yesterday evening after I got off work from the 2nd job, I bought the tank and some other parts I needed for the install. I replaced that and had very little water pressure still. SUMBITCH!!! Then it hit me. When the well pump was replaced, it stirred up a shit ton of sediment which collected in the water filter and clogged it. Replaced that and have awesome water pressure once again. TL;DR No water in house on Thursday. I replaced pressure gauge and pressure switch on Friday. I had someone replace the well pump on Saturday. I replaced the pressure tank on Sunday. Pressure switch and gauge: $50 Well pump replacement: $1200 Pressure tank: $170 Finally having running water again: Priceless
  6. I feel like the story was more Brian-esque, but he would have told it better.
  7. They say he is staying until after the Sugar Bowl. But, will he stay until the NC game if we beat Bama?
  8. Wish I had the extra cash. It would look great beside my current 60" DLP in the man-cave. I love the DLP picture. I think it looks better than most anything out right now. GLWS.
  9. His moves are better than 99% of CR.
  10. No offense, just being honest... The background really hurts my eyes with the blurriness. Is there any way that can be tamed down a bit?
  11. That was from National Lampoon's: Dirty Movie. If you have not seen it, it is a must watch.
  12. So, what do you use to browse the web on your tv? Do you hook a laptop up to your tv? Some other device? I really want to cut the cord. However, I am a college football fanatic. I have 3 tv's set up in my man-cave. I need to be able to watch 3 different games at the same time. If I could use this wiziwig.tv that you speak of on all three tv's, problem solved.
  13. I'm getting a 2nd job. Yay me!! Happy fucking holidays!
  14. http://www.collegefootballplayoff.com/view-rankings#week-12 Just as I expected. Ohio State is now 8th.
  15. Ouch!!! Wallet rape!! PREMIUM DRAFTS Pint $5.75/Pitcher $20 PREMIUM BOTTLED BEER Bottle $6/Bucket (5) $24 DOMESTIC DRAFT BEER Pint $4.75/Pitcher $17 DOMESTIC BOTTLED BEER Bottle $6/Bucket (5) $24 BIG BEER CANS 24-25 OZ. $7.50
  16. Still have this. Would like it gone. Make me a reasonable offer, please.
  17. Damn. Talk about being in the right place at the right time. Lucky ass summbitch!!
  18. Sully


    Thanks for all the info. My current blades are a little over 2 years old and the original ones that were on the car when I bought it. I want something that's going to last more than 6 months. Maybe I'll just see if the dealer has OEM replacements and price those compared to Bosch.
  19. Sully


    Did a search, but didn't find anything. It's time to replace the windshield wipers on my car. I'm looking for an all-season wiper. I'm trying to compare Tirerack, Amazon, and the local auto parts store to get the best deal on the best blade. If it matters, my driver side is 24" and passenger side is 19". So, what brand do you run and/or recommend?
  20. You arrive home one day and the batteries are dead. Now what?
  21. Sully

    Credit gurus

    CC limit increases are a great thing, as long as you don't go charging up a bunch of stuff just because you have the availability.
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