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Everything posted by Sully

  1. Also see: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84204
  2. I'm at a loss for words.
  3. There are forms that can be downloaded and filled out. However, a family member's death brings out the worst in people generally within a couple months. I feel that it really is best to have an attorney do the will so that there is absolutely no outside interference. By that, I mean that the attorney will sit with your parents, in his office alone, and discuss their will. That way, no other family member can later say that someone talked them into leaving this item or that item to this person or that person. You really would have to ask an attorney how much they would charge. There is a lot more to it than just making a will stating who gets what. Do they want DNR's? Do they want to set up a trust? Who is going to be the executor of their estate? It really can get pretty involved depending on how much they have in assets and what all the assets are. Anyway, what it boils down to is making sure that their wishes are met and that no one can "fight it".
  4. That's just fucking amazing. Dude's got skills.
  5. I think they say that because they don't want you to fall over onto the road. But in reality, if you have to put your leg down, it's because you are losing your balance due to being intoxicated.
  6. With a good attorney, it'll probably get knocked down to 30 days of no privileges, 5 months work privileges, and possibly even the weekend course. It also depends on the judge that day. If the judge has lost a loved one to a family member due to a drunk driver, your friend will probably get the max, which includes at least 10 days in jail, 1 year suspension, no work privileges, etc. An attorney is needed for any kind of hope staying out of jail and being able to at least drive to work.
  7. If that means the 'roadside, walk the line, touch your nose, etc' test, then evidently the officer had strong reason to believe the person was intoxicated, hence why they were hauled off to jail and asked for a breath test. If that's the case, then I'll just about bet anything that the person was charged with OMVI because the office already had more than enough evidence.
  8. Wait... did they or did they not take the test? You said "took test...took person to station...asked to blow, person said no." what test did they take? what were the results of that test? Refusal is an immediate ALS of either 1 or 2 years. You have to get an attorney, and they can generally get it knocked down to 6 months with work privileges if there are no priors.
  9. Wow. That sucks dude. I read about the problem in the other thread, but didn't expect it to be that bad. Ya know, instead of buying another seat, just remove the other and do the seat delete kit thing.
  10. Buy my car for $10K and that will leave you with $5K for mods.
  11. What ever happened to the old fashioned way of siphoning gas? Stick a hose down in the tank and start sucking. I saw my great-grandfather do this many times.
  12. Trying to understand your title.... Is he asking $250 for it? Pics to osusully@hotmail.com Thanks.
  13. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs383.snc4/44625_1571496965595_1180622384_31683183_2709302_n.jpg
  14. I had Firehouse Subs for the first time when I was in Charlotte last month for work. When I got back to work, I immediately looked it up and noticed that there is one in Polaris. So happy! I haven't made it up there yet though. The Hero Sub is fucking awesome!!!
  15. I just did the same thing.
  16. Not to steal your thread, but I would like to receive this info as well.
  17. Sometimes you need to wash more than once. After I did the Cluck-U-Chicken challenge in NJ, I washed my hands 4 times in a row. Apparently, that was not enough.
  18. Yes, they are weak. That's just me though. I could eat 30 Atomic, easily. My heat sensors have been fried though. Weak is, you use to have to sign a waiver to order them. You no longer have to. Adam Richman is a big drama queen when it comes to eating hot stuff. In his first season, he went to QS&L in PA. They dramatized it all up, made him sign a waiver and everything. He put on a good act.
  19. Just looked at the menu. What is the challenge? How many wings? Time limit? Rules?
  20. I'm in. CR meet to watch me tackle these? Atomic is weak. They now have a Triple Atomic challenge. Shit is weaker than Atomic, but they taste good. I did get a shirt for doing the Triple Atomic challenge. But still, I am disappoint. Blech! Weak. Their Blazin is just hot. No flavor. I've done the challenge twice and won both times. I did it a second time because I liked the new shirts and that was the only way I could get one. Do want.
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