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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. No VIN = no pass. Part it out and buy a non-stolen bike.
  2. A 100 round mag is gonna jam like a motherfucker anyway. Let the dumbasses have them.
  3. I see no drama here. False advertising. FIRE THE MODS!
  4. true, but you'd have to spell it funny. Tylynal
  5. Had to check in here to make sure it wasn't Marlboro Man you were talking about.
  6. I always wonder how many of these alternative spellings are a result of stupid people breeding who can't spell.
  7. You got a hick town and a last name first there. Not crazy, but not all that normal.
  8. Man, what ever happened to PITA's? Every restaurant was selling those things about 10 years ago. Mmmmm, pitas.
  9. Dermarious - student at my kids school.
  10. It appears it may be the timing chain has worn through the cover breaching the water and oil pump that is attached to the cover. Not sure that the gasket is bad at all. Anybody know how to tell for sure? I have anti-freeze in the oil but no white smoke (or smoke of any kind) while running. Oil also isnt getting milky, but gets way overfull while it loses anti-freeze. No leaks.
  11. It would be unwinnable if we were in England.
  12. Milk crate replaced by Bieber backpack?
  13. Dammit Gump! You're gonna get the OR commies all excited again. I'm guessing they are gonna blow this thread up to 7 or 18 pages carrying on about how if you dont love the commandant, you must be a racist. Let me get the ball rolling for them: I bet you got that there video from Faux Nuz. Huhuhuhuhuhuhu.
  14. Ooooh, devil bike. Sweet. Must not be as popular as Ducati expected. I still haven't seen one on the road.
  15. So he can be famous and have the news explore his bad childhood and make him the national center of attention until the next nutball pulls off the same shit. Someone should have accidently executed the piece of shit last night.
  16. The motive was craziness. In a theatre full of nerds, you aren't going to find too many chl holders.
  17. So did I. Perfect beginner guns for your kids or nephews. Bump.
  18. ^Buddah, thats my dogs name.
  19. We need a best of list.
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