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Everything posted by Earache

  1. You could also buy pre bent pieces and weld them together and skip having a shop bend for you. This helps you replace portions of it rather than having to get an entire new piece. Could also do a bolt together design using threaded plugs rather than welding. Loads of options out there. I have a mandrel bender and could give it a go if you'd like. Let me know the material, OD and ID dimensions and I'll see if I can get it done for you. I can make the steel feet or other parts for you at no charge, just PM me or email the drawings of the parts you want made to me.
  2. And, for the first time in your life, the rubber would be tight.
  3. Extension sent. I need to lose a few pounds anyway, so skipping lunch ain't such a bad idea.
  4. New form of erectile dysfunction; weak Baby Batter.
  5. 11.) Get riding advice from websites and forums.
  6. I bet not one person that lives there can point to Wales on a globe or tell me where it is. Thanks for the history lesson!
  7. One of my friends that I went to college with lives in Ashland and I go see him every summer for a night. Then head up to Zanesville to meet the wife who usually goes to her sister's home there. Anyway, I've ridden a lot of those roads and they are pretty decent. One of them - can't remember which for sure, but I think it's 775 - is marked with signs that say "Irish Road" or some shit like that. I took a pic of it and will try to find it. The roads are fairly curvy and haved good elevation change as well. But they tend to be pretty narrow and have lots of driveway connections on them. Never see any cops and very few other cars at all. edit: I'm a freakin' retard - it's the Welsh Scenic Byway, not Irish. it's comprised of Routes 35, 325 and 233. Like I said, good road. Dunno what's so Welsh about it though.
  8. ...makes ya look like a fat girl in sweat pants.
  9. Start taking your medicine again and stay away from the PC.
  10. I once heard about a squirrel that fucked a giraffe. His little squirrel buddies put him up to it. Thank you, thank you, thank you very much.......
  11. Okay - I'll still get it down to him tomorrow so it's outta my hair.
  12. What time will you be there? I need to get the swinmagrm down to him in the morning so you can take it back to Justin.
  13. That smell was the least of the smells he battles with on a daily basis.
  14. And no, I don't powder where the chain blocks go - they wouldn't fit in and slider properly with powder in there. Ditto with the linkage mount under the arm.
  15. Your shit is done...and it's not shiney, either.
  16. +1 - that is one ugly bitch. I'm not normally an advocate of cosmetic surgery, but that dog needs some work.
  17. Earache

    trip opinion

    It's not too far, I went there for a weekend last Fall. The bad part about it is that it kinda sucks. So it's too far to go for sucky riding. I'd go to Tennessee and North Carolina. Not only is it fairly close at around 350 miles, but the entire ride down tere can be pretty good riding. Not as crowded as upstate NY either. And cheaper to boot. Riding through rural KY can be good if you take the right roads, food and lodging is cheap too. Same with TN and NC. Places like Gatlinburg should be avoided as tey are crowded as Hell, but a leisurely two up ride through the area could be planned and you'd not see any crowds. And the area has some of the best riding in the USA.
  18. Done. I always wanted my member to be supported....
  19. Rain suits, cameras and shit like that take up a lot of room. And I ride two up a lot on the trips, so double the shoes, clothes etc. Most are much longer than 5 days as well. Still, I'm ditching those big ass ammo box panniers for some smaller, sleeker and not so much a wind sail ones.
  20. I used to go to Minneapolis at least once a month for work and really like the town. Always wanted to ride to Bob's Java Hut and hang out....but I don't drink coffee:p Loads of cool places there and I'd like to go for a weekend sometime.
  21. Bags on the Bimmer - enough room to carry more shit than I'll ever need... I'm replacing the huuuuge panniers with the OEM BMW ones to solve the ground clearance issue in the corners. Big BMW tank bag and a tailpack made by Marssee give a lot of added space for crap...
  22. Why not save a few bucks and find a lightly used Wee? Then spend the saved cash for hard bags, top box, etc. Loads of Wee's out there with 4K miles and a couple of years old that will save you a couple of grand. PS - Let me know when you're going to Minnesota. I haven't been there for a couple of years and would like to go back. South central WI has some, decent roads in it that I'd like to hit again.
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