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Everything posted by Earache

  1. Biggest bunch of twats in the World.
  2. It's my left elbow - not even my fapping arm! Doctor said to strengthen the muscles around the joint to make it hurt less....but also said it's gonna hurt a lot more before it begins to hurt less.
  3. Cool - as an OU alumni, I feel obligated to donate a buck or two. Is there a way to donate on the Facebook page? If not, let me know where to send some cashish. edit: and then you can come up with some exercises to help the osteoarthritis in my elbow for me. Fuggin' elbow is killing me! Maybe more fapping?
  4. Yup - biggest hillbilly redneckfest ever. We should all head to Athens some weekend when nothing's going on. There are some decent roads down that way.
  5. Send it to me and I'll powdercoat it in matte black - free of charge. PM me for address if ya want to do this.
  6. Yup - gotta agree with ya. Are they trying to piss people off and make them not wanna go to Daytona? Just another nail in the coffin of a shitty event.
  7. Nice day for a cruise... Another nice day... Cruising in Ireland...
  8. Nope - it's gotta be a consistent 65-70F before I'll ride. Probably won't fire up a bike until late April or May.
  9. I don't know whose pwoders they are using, but I'd have to say bullshit to this claim. Flat powders lack the ability to turn glossy - no matter what ya do to them. It just isn't going to happen. In my experience, a gloss powder can turn flat if cured too long as the surface of the powder is damaged by the heat. I can't see any damage making things "glossy"'. They used the wrong fuckin' powder - it's as simple as that. Ask them who's powder they used and then call the maker of the powder and ask them if what is claimed could have happened. After they get done laughing, they'll say "no way". Or call Columbia Coatings or Caswell or one of the other powder company's tech line and ask them. They'll tell ya the same thing. Foam in the swingarm won't retain heat in any way to change the surface temperature that much - probably have the opposite effect. Cut your losses with these asshats and run away. Blasting your swingarm should cost about $15 or so. The actual amount of powder used would be around $5.00 at the most. And they want $50 to clean up a fuck up of theirs? Fuck them - they should do it free. Its' not really gonna cost them anything to re-do it.
  10. I wouldn't mind going Ben - if ya need a roomie:wtf: Won't be on a Strom though, hope that's okay. Geez, May is almost full with three bike trips already. Can't wait.
  11. Ya can't go wrong with the Smoky Mtns - right at 400 miles south of Columbus and an easy 5-6 hour ride. Perfect road surfaces, nice views but it can get a bit crowded and it rains a lot. Still, one of the best places in the USA to ride. I ride there 8-9 times per year. Kentucky has some great riding and is even closer. Red River Gorge area is nice as is most of the area east of the I-75 corridor. West Virginia: Can't say enough nice things about the place; no cops, no crowds, nice roads, friendly people and it's cheap! Lots of back roads to explore on ADV bikes, too. The rides to Colorado and Utah are unbeatable as far as scenery goes. The roads aren't as tight and twisty or as smooth as they are in the southeast - but it is pretty country. Well worth the long ride to get there and check it out if you've never been.
  12. A well ridden low bhp bike can still smoke 100+ bhp bikes on anything but a long, straight road. Plus, she's probably not really looking for big power anyway.
  13. Stay off of 31 all that you can. It's a main route between Indy and South Bend and is crawling with cops. One of the most heavily patroled routes in Indiana. Four lanes wide for the most part and loads of traffic, too. 30 is also a major east / west road in northern Indiana with a decent amount of 4 lane road and traffic. Not a lot of good road choices in that area though. The area is very flat and boring, so just pick a route that'll get you through the area the fastest. I've only ridden in Michigan a few times but drive through it monthly for work. Just not a huge fan of the area as there's so much flat boring stuff to cover before you get to anything good. Most weekend trips for me are heading south as the roads get good within 20 miles of my house.
  14. I'm much shorter at 6' 1" - but still not too worried.
  15. I have a 1150GS and will be riding to Utah again this summer - you're welcome to tag along. Also do weekend trips most weekends throughout the summer to the Carolinas, GA, TN and Ozarks. Gimme a yell if you ever wanna go. Eric
  16. Just to piss off the newbs on scrawny little 600's.
  17. I have at least that much in my kitchen pantry. I don't really like it but ya gotta buy it.
  18. ..and taking some trombone lessons. Today! [ame] [/ame]
  19. I tell ya, those little bitches are getting lazy! If it weren't for their parents selling them at the office, they wouldn't be selling shit! At least the Cub Scouts still come to your door selling that lame assed popcorn of theirs. Stuff tastes like ass but I always buy $40 worth just because they put forth the effort.
  20. Earache

    Ohayocon 2011

    No shit - light sabre fights break out on just about every corner! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-fYFYoQUL4
  21. Earache

    Ohayocon 2011

    Indy has the GenCon convention every year where about 30,000+ of these loons descend upon the city for a weekend of geekness. see:http://www.gencon.com/ You'd think they'd have a better website. Hotel lobbies are full of them all night, playing on line games against each other. It's pretty sad really.
  22. Or just give it to me and I'll powdercoat it free of charge - you pay for the blasting or bring it to me already blasted.
  23. Be sure to tell Reuben that you want me to pick them up from him and SHitty can just bring them back to CBus for you.
  24. Yup, got all of the forks and will drop them off to Reuben on Friday evening. If I can , I 'll drop them off on my next trip back to Ohio in a week or so. Udderwise, Reubenski can just ship them back to you.
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