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Everything posted by Earache

  1. Thanks - I've seen it before although the wife hasn't. Hope there's not a lot of snow on the ground. Was out there 2 years ago for Xmas and it was about 3 feet deep.
  2. Change all the gearing ya want, without the power to pull that gear, the bike isn't gonna go much faster. Better warm up that cargo plane...
  3. Same here, but other than my wife - I have no family. So just hanging out with her for a week is always fun. We usually take a trip somewhere the week of Xmas 'til New year's. This year will be the Grand Canyon and Xmas in Santa Fe, New Mexico. With the traditional Burnin' Bunghole Burrito Xmas dinner.
  4. The only way that Katana 600 is gonna do 140+ mph is if ya drop out of a plane from 20,000 feet. Hope you don't need to use the brakes too hard. Be careful out there!
  5. Not your fault at all. I tried to register again yesterday - still waiting on an activation response from the Admin. Looks like a cool site though - lots of "where to ride" info and some pics from rides. That's the kind of stuff that I'm most interested in.
  6. I think Reagan signed a tariff protecting HD from unfair selling practices by the Japanese. It was thought at the time that they were dumping cheap bikes into the USA and causing HD a loss of sales. Famous over 700cc tariff. I don't remember the deatils from that long ago, but the tariff was substantial on bikes over 700CC, something like a couple of thousnad bucks. It brought the cost of Jap bikes inline with the cost of HD's at the time. Of course, the fact that HD put out complete shitboxes in those days didn't enter into the equation at all....
  7. PRI (Painful Rectal Itch) and it's remedy.
  8. NASA called and said that they could see the candles from space. Thanks all !
  9. I travel from Indy to Columbus, Cincinnati and western Ohio on a monthly basis and can also help with getting larger items - such as motors, etc - back and forth from Ohio to Reuben's shop. Gimme a yell if you need help getting something shipped over.
  10. Because they always have crap suspension and handle like shopping carts with a bad wheel when pushed. Wish they'd put one out with top of the line suspension components for a change. But then the price point would probably be too high and they'd sell even less to beginner riders.
  11. Yup - been a week and still no word. Fuck the gringos in Estados Unidos:p
  12. I got your "man" right here, beeatch!
  13. I think that's one of the cooler looking things to do to a cafe tank. Mainly because it's what was done back in the day. Looks very cool. Can't wait to see your pics.
  14. Planishing hammer sounds cool - I'd like to have one but haven't really needed one that much yet. Have some friends that do metalwork for a living and I have them do most of the flat, sheet stuff as they can do it faster, better, cheaper, etc. I also have a lathe, couple of milling machines, plasma cutter, Mig welder and loads of other crap. Welcome to come up and use it if you need it or I can make spacers for wheels or whatever for you. Just let me know the dimensions that you need. On the tank, the stocker is cool looking - just needs some cut-outs for your knees and some cutouts for the clip-ons. It can look very cool for the price of some sheet stock. Noneed to alter the frame with mounts either. I'm sure you've seen the style of tanks I'm talking about. They're easily made from OEM tanks. Basically cutting out the indents and turning the piece inside out and welding it back in. Little sanding of the welds and you're done.
  15. If ya need some help with metal forming, let me know. I just bought a nice little mandrel tubing bender - would make short work of that frame rail you're trying to bend. Also have a slip roller for sheet stock (seat pan, etc) as well as a new Tig welder. Bet we could make a decent tail section in AL in an afternoon of farting around in the shop.
  16. The Columbus Home for Wayward Tennage Girls football team could kick OSU's ass.
  17. Holy shit! I made some parts for him when he came to my house a couple of years back and just saw him at a ST event this sumer. Bummer.
  18. McDonald's drive thru. Done.
  19. Looks like the old BMW C1 scooter that came out around 10 years ago. It also failed....
  20. Bet he remembers to strap his helmet on next time.
  21. They haven't approved me yet on the Forum - no confirmation yet. How could they possibly know what an asshole I am all the way down in Mexico???? I'll check his info out - thanks!
  22. me neither. I clicked on the Bing translator and it made even less sense in Engrish. Oh well, lots of cool pictures on the site and my Spanish is good enbough so I can figure out what's going on. If we do Copper Canyon area soon, it'd be cool to have some local help and guides.
  23. Cool - I just signed up at Motovioajero and am waiting on confirmation. It will be interesting to see places to ride and places to go in Mexico. I've been wanting to ride there for years, just never got around to doing it. Thanks!
  24. Hola Alejandro - and welcome! Casper and I need to do a Mexico trip this summer on our bikes. Been kicking the idea around for quite awhile. I wanna ride to Copper Canyon before too much longer - just waiting for the border violence to die down a bit.
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