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Everything posted by Earache

  1. True. If you do go and get in, please be respectful, don't front and waste the time of the displayers, don't steal all of their free swag and just be cool. Look,listen and shut up.
  2. Ya better find out what causes that and then stop doing it - or else you're gonna have a whole litter of them running around! Congratulations:p
  3. I'm there (here) every year. If shittygsxer gets his ass over here, he'll be there as well. Show sucks comoared to past years and this one will be even smaller. But; the new Convention Center is almost done and this will be the first big show inside of it. Cant' wait to see what our taxers have done.
  4. So you almost caused a crash on puropose and you're proud of it? Nice.
  5. That looks like a cool place to go and have some eats. Not a huge hot dog fan, but it might be worth the trip to WVA.
  6. Stayed free at the Hilton in Santa Fe again this week. Did you keep track of how much you spent on the trip you took out west? That was a pretty cheap trip with 3 guys in the room. Wife can get us an employee rate at Marriotts - just not that many of them out in Bumfuck, Utah. That rate is $39 to $69 a night, depending upon where the hotel is, etc.
  7. Easy son - you just said that it was music to your ears and I said it was painful to mine. No more or less than that - two different opinions.
  8. Yup- nothing worse than some shitbag on his loud assed Harley sitting at a traffic light, blipping his "Hey everyone, look at me!" throttle.
  9. One thing about the trailer: I'd look for larger diameter rims - like 14" as a minimum. Those little 12" puppies are gonna be spinning like bitch on that long of a trip. 14" will ride better, too. At least take some lube with you and grease them once or twice on the way.
  10. As you might know, my political leanings put me somewhere to the right of Adolf Hitler, but I can't stand that twat.
  11. Fuck yea - that's service!
  12. I made my own for mounting to the bike earlier this year: Never did finish it - need to whittle it down so that it's not so big and clunky. I was going for the anvil / indestructable look. I like Vapor's modular style though - cool.
  13. That's if you can get to the roads. 3 years ago, the only year that I drove a car, we sat in our parking space for 4 hours waiting to be allowed to even move out pof the parking lot we were in. Sucked! Then they switched to shuttle buses a couple of years ago. Made people park way out in Bumfuck and bused them in. Huge lines waiting on buses after the race. Local places gouge te shit outta ya for hotels - we stay in Santa Cruz and still pay $300 a night for a Hampton Inn. Deals can be had of ya wait for last minute, but that's hard to do when you're travelling from a long distance. I've been loads of races all over the World and none are worse than Laguna Seca. Can't say enough shitty things about it from the spectator's point of view.
  14. Earache

    Opinions Please

    Furniture making is a nice skill to have. But like art and many other things; it's very subjecticve when it comes to price. Hard to price style. That said, I could see a piece like this going for $1,500+ in a furniture store. Although you used some veneers, that's about what you'd get at most stores in that price range. I'll assume the customer got to pick out the exact size and style - that's worth some extra cash to most people.
  15. The track itself is nice, but the facilities suck balls. Sitting in dirt, 3 port-a-potties for the whole track, shitty food concessions (both of'em) and some infamous traffic jams getting outta the place. Buffoons (SCRAMP) running the place. One of the shittiest race facilities on the GP circuit. Worthy of a third World country..but even they have better tracks. Miller has to be one of the best tracks in the US right now. Can't wait to see the new GP track in Texas when it gets done.
  16. You sir, are a very wise man.
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