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Everything posted by Earache

  1. A cheap, slutty whore of the worst type.
  2. Voted. Although I am expecting to see some skin after she wins....
  3. I like the "fuck you" dance at 2:45 - excellent shit.
  4. Fuck your Mitzi, too... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljPFZrRD3J8 Video sent to me by my Bud in Ireland. Fucked up but funny. Guy has excellent dance skills, too.
  5. My garage is about 60F right now - so the 'fridge is still running.
  6. Check out this guy's set up: He made the rack system to carry his chair by himself. Pretty cool. I also like the toe cups he has on his footboards to help keep his toes onboard. Nice! Easy to make as well.
  7. She makes my stomach turn as well.
  8. Why won't this bitch just fade away?
  9. Fascinating way the bike is set up - pretty cool indeed. Be cool if you could devise a small, fold up chair that could be mounted to a rack on the back of the bike - so you'd have a chair ready when you get to your destination. I'd be happy to machine the rack up for you if you can come up with some sort of design for the chair. The rack itself would be the easy part... the chair; not so easy. For all I know, some one already has one developed. Anyway, looks like a decent set up on the bike. Let me know when you're ready for a cross country trip!
  10. Nah, this guy wasn't kickin' it sideways at 140
  11. Reuben has one of these in his shop right now - killer looking bike in person. Very trick. Too bad about the recall. I'd consider buying one of these when they become available.
  12. Yup - that's it. It'll work on a classic as that's what I was using as well.
  13. No, I made a mount for it to attach to my bike. The keypad is flexible, so it's kinda hard to push the buttons with a gloved hand unless there is a solid backing behind it. I made a plate out of aluminum, covered it with Velcro and then made a stalk to mount it off of the brake perch. If you get it and want a mount made, let me know and I'll whip one up for you. edit: here are some pics of how it's mounted on my ST...
  14. I paid every bit of $75 for mine and 5-6 years later and it still works like a champ. Fuggin' indestructable.
  15. It'll be more of a lunch thing for me. We'll be there in the day time.
  16. I ain't hatin' - might be in Cbus on Saturday and will try to get in there for a beer and grub.
  17. They claim to Irish on their webapge, so what the fuck do I know? Bitches working there couldn't point to Ireland on a map if they had to anyway:p
  18. Ummm.... I think it's Scottish. No kilts - especially in red tartan - in Ireland. Looks like a cool place though.
  19. The air temp here today was 5F. No wind chill, just air temp. Sucks all kinds of balls.
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