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Everything posted by Earache

  1. I gotta admit; that was some serious wind. Had the ST listing to port at 45 degrees and I was still going straight.
  2. It's just off of Route 50 north of Delta, Colorado, east side of the road. Ya can't miss it.
  3. see: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=40595 35 Motorsports is a couple of miles from my house and I'm there weekly at least. Can get down there anytime. If you pay for the powder and the blasting, I'll powdercoat anythign free of charge. Two swingarms and assorted parts would need about 2 lbs of powder (maybe less) and that's about $30 with shipping included. Blasting would run another $20 or so. I can have the blasting done here and get it back within a couple of days. Order powders here: www.ColumbiaCoatings.com and have them sent to me, that way there's no shipping of powders on your part. My large oven is a 36" cube, so anything that will fit in there is okay to send.
  4. Yup - but it can go on the Brian Express for free shipments to and from Indy each week - via 35 Motorsports.
  5. I can do them fast, cheap and best of all, a good job. Email me at EaracheMS@Gmail.com for info.
  6. Good to see a noob thinking ahead and planning to get some gear before he rides. He can't count for shit, but at least he's thinking! I applaud your effort, STI. Good one.
  7. It sounds really cool though. I think you should pony up the $50 and then give us a detailed report about it. I'd buy it in a second if i thought it was worth a shit.
  8. Yup, those hill sare really green for a reason. Ever ride any dirt trails down there? I think we're doing an on/off road trip later this year as well. Holla if ya wanna go along.
  9. Fuck him, Josh - we all know the cool, fast guys are from Indiana;)
  10. I've been riding down there for 25+ years and this is news to me. I ride down on my ST1100 2-3 times per year. Give me a yell if you want to meet up in Cincinnati or Lexington on the way down. I like to ride down as well, but not many people do. I can usually go with a 2-3 day advance notice. The ST is slow down there as it's a pig, but more comfy to ride for a distance.
  11. Chocolate puddin' through a leaf blower:thefinger:
  12. Kickin' in? It's been kicked in for years!
  13. When is that again? April or May? I can either...or both. I gotta start writing this shit down...
  14. There'sd only 2-3 places where the cops hang out - if ya knwo those and be cool in those areas, then you'll have no problems. Don't wail through the Gap itself the first time - go slow and see if there are any cops around. You won't have any porblems if you pay attention.
  15. Yeah, but that's only draft beer and not for carry out I think. They have Bass, Bud and one or two others. Store closes pretty early,too.
  16. Be sure to bring poarty supplies with you then - no beers available at CRoT. There's a bar further south on 28 at Fontana, but I don't know if they do carryout or not. Pretty limited bar as well. Food is also limited at CRoT, so you'll wanna bring some stuff. They often do a cookout there that you can buy into, but it's not every night. Might ask them when you make a reservation.
  17. Depends on who's staying there and if ya wanna sleep. If it's a noisy crowd there that night - you ain't sleeping. But it'll be more than fun for the first time there. I'm heading down April 30- May 2, let me know if you'll be there then. Enjoy!
  18. PM your email to me and I'll send you a route and info sheet. I've been there a couple of times and know the area a bit.
  19. Testify Brother! A Holiday Inn Express with no bar is roughing it enough for me. If there's a hotel nearby, I'd be up for the road riding part of the trip.
  20. So you transfer your costs for fun onto unsuspecting people that open their homes to you? Wow. I need some friends like you.
  21. There's only one choice really: http://masturbate-a-thon.com/home.php
  22. Why? How tough is it to have soimeone else get all of your travel documents for you, set up itineraries, etc. Get free bikes and free gear. Have someone else pay for it all. Have a truckload of spare parts - enough to build a complete bike - following you all over the place and then have the balls to cry and moan about it all? I'm jealous of the trip - but not at all impressed with clowns doing it.
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