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Everything posted by Earache

  1. I took a few pics as well, thought I'd put them up.... Lush and green from all of the rain we've had lately,,,
  2. I can only do Thursdays through Mondays. All vacation time has been spoken for so far this year.
  3. Hope the mosquitos descend upon you for an "all you can eat" buffet tonight - bastard!
  4. I don't mean the actual 11 miles o f the Gap itelf - but the area. We won't see shit for cops or bikes once we get south into North Carolina. I usually only do the Gap itself twice a day - early morning on the way out and later on the way back. Tons of great roads if you know where to look! I'm heading to Utah for a ride on July 2 and will be back on the 13th. Any weekend after that I'm ready to head south.
  5. Count on it! We need to get our same group together for a Deal's Gap trip soon - maybe sometime in mid to late July. I'm gonna take a faster bike though so I can keep up with you bastages!
  6. Picture I took in Northern Ireland at the Northwest 200 Road race last month... Look at all of the driveway walls on a straight of the "track". Lots of shit to hit and fuck you up. One guy died at this race - Mark Young - and several hauled off in the helicopter. Road racing is no joke!
  7. At the very least, take the tire off and do a proper plug / patch from the inside of the tire. Those rope plugs can squirt out when under pressure. A plug / patch from the inside won't and will survive average street riding. If you're an aggresive street rider, might as well suck it up and get a new tire.
  8. Those 80 miles rides can be Hell ya know...
  9. That would have been me - Eric. I'm not a fan of 536 - bumpy as shit and too much crap on the road. Gravel comes and goes, but those speed bumps things across the road really suck. What's up with the deer? I thought they were only supposed to be out in the early morning and evening? They need to extend the hunting season on those things to year 'round! We had a nice little group of riders - all pretty much riding at the same pace and no issues with anyone. Couldn't have asked for a better group to ride with for the day. Got back to Indy around 1:00 AM after having dinner with my brother-in-law in Zanesville. Wasn't easy getting my ass outta bed this morning.
  10. I guess the Zanesville group will still meet at the Wendy's on Underwood. Then we can take 13 south to 78 or figure out a different route - Maybe 555 South to 78 or 60 South to 78 - whatever the consensus ends up being.
  11. Yeah - think it's a Marathon or something like that. Pick a time and I'll meet you guys there. If they leave Columbus at 9:30, should be in Zanesville about 10:15-10:30. Wanna say 10:00 AM at the Wendy's? edit: see ya there Fox and others.
  12. Sounds cool - I'll meet ya in Zanesville. Know where the Wendy's is on Underwood Street (jsut south of the I-70 east on ramp near 7th Street exit?)? Wanna meet there? Or suggest someplace else.
  13. I read their map backwards - they'll be going through Zanesville on the way out in the morning, so I'll try to meet up with them there. On the way back, I'll split off at McConnellsville and head back to Z'burg.
  14. I'll be staying in Zanesville on Friday night. Looks like you're coming right through town, right? Can meet up someplace around there.
  15. I know what you're saying = hardcore BMW riders tend to be good riders and they tend to favor the Boxer motor. I had a '02 R1150GS Boxer and it was dog slow. I could keep it on the pipe well enough to hang with most sportbikes, but definitely not in the straights. Took some thinking to ride it fast, but it could be done.
  16. How about meeting in McConnellsville at 11:00-11:30 then? Should be easy enough to get there in 2+ hours from Columbus. I can PM my cell number to someone so they can let me know if you guys are running late, running early, etc.
  17. Any idea about what time you guys expect to be in McConnelsville? I'll be in the area and might try to meet you guys there. Eric
  18. Always found the Boxer BMW's to be turds performance-wise. The new K1300 BMW GT is another bike you should look at. Made for taller guys, more claimed bhp than the Concourse and it certainley looks a lot better. But as Zero points out - they ain't cheap at $18,800. A well ridden sport tourer will embarass lots of sport bikes. They're big bikes, but larger guys will have no problem throwing them around. I'm 6'1" and 240 lbs and can ride with about 80% of the sportbikes I encounter on my ST1100 (2002). But a well ridden sportbike is still gonna leave me.
  19. Scary as shit - we saw 200+ mph at the Northwest 200 in Ireland last month..... just a cruise through town!
  20. I'd be up for it. Keep me posted on the details.
  21. Getting some new rubber mounted today and then an oil chnage tonight in the Sport 1000 - so that'll be the Duc that I bring over for Saturday's ride. Weather, at least this far out, looks to be good - not too hot either. Mostly sunny and 78F. Should be almost perfect riding conditions. Looking forward to it!
  22. I use a Valentine 1 mounted high inside then windshield. Works likes a HUD. Doesn't save me very often as I never speed.
  23. Not really.... I asked Nick to speak at our annual rally for the bike club I belong to - this was in 1995, right after he wrote the article and it appeared in Sport Rider Magazine for the first time. Nick flew to Indiana and spent 2 days riding southern Indiana with me and a buddy of mine. We hauled ass all over Indiana and northern KY. Wheelies, knees hit the pavement a couple of times, pretty good ride. BUT - none of us were over our heads at the speeds we were doing. Might have been way over paced for less expereienced riders, but we were all comfortable with our pace and no one crossed lines or got into any sort of trouble at all. T you ride.he Pace doesn't have to be slow or boring - it can be fast and thrilling - but all riders have to be comfortable with whatever pace That's what it was all about. PS - Nick got third in AMA 250 GP class that year. Pretty decent results for a guy that travelled all over the place, held a full time job, etc.
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