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Everything posted by Earache

  1. More of the River...
  2. And there was much hauling of ass as we passed through...
  3. Simply awesome valley cut by the Colorado River as it makes it's way to the Grand Canyon...
  4. Nice roads though...
  5. Place just gets weirder and weirder looking. Starting to remind me of Mars...
  6. About 50 miles southwest of Blanding, we pass through a road cut and enter a world of red rock and sand along with searing hot temperatures..
  7. Joe is searching for the curves and twisties... But they are hard to come by for a little bit...
  8. Then we start humping down the road towards Torrey, Utah...
  9. Then down the road to check out the ancient wall drawings. These are all over the place out here, just gotta look up to find them...
  10. Quick blast past Wilson's Arch. We made Joe run up to the top so we could take his pic. He damned near died of heat stroke while doing it...
  11. Cool rock formations... Lone rock formation after everything else has eroded away...
  12. Next day we take a quick lap of Moab... Joe squids it as it has was round 102F and he's a little girl...
  13. Cool pics... Squiggly light on the left is the flashlight in my hand..
  14. Headed back to the hotel to go swimming for rest of the day. Just getting too damned hot out to ride. Joe and I went out to the desert around 1:00 AM for some night time pics. Used an open shutter for 30 seconds and a LED flashlight to "paint" the bikes with light. Full moon gave us light for the surrounding landscapes... Joe rode his R1 past the camera at abvout 45 mph - looks kinda cool. I liked the way the road waslit up... Moon looks like the sun.
  15. Made it to Bedrock and stopped for drinks at the only store within 100 miles. It's also the only building in Bedrock aside from a couple of sheds.... But they do have their priorities right.... Landon checks out one of the other buildings....
  16. Sure is purdy out here....
  17. Ya really donb't wanna mess up that last turn before the big sweeper... As a few others have done in the past...
  18. After chow, we head south through the canyon towards Bedrock...
  19. I want one of these! An old signal spot from a warship. Need to mount it on the bars of the ST to make those slow fucks get outta the left lane...
  20. Gateway had an Army display over at the car museum. Locals had restored some vehicles and other cool stuff from Army days gone by... Had an old BSA there..
  21. But I was here for some breakfast. Over to the restaurant for a big assed breakfast burrito... About 1-1/2 lbs. of bunghole burnin' goodness!
  22. Gateway is an oasis in the middle of the desert. I just love this place and come here as often as I can...
  23. And this was the coolest thing in the suite. Gotta get one for home ... I wore the remote batteries out just raising and lowering that thing.
  24. Brad and I got up at 4:00 AM in order to hump it over to Gateway (250 miles) for breakfast. Meeting my wife and sisiter / bro in law there for a few days and we wanted to get there early to hang out. Joe and Landon slept in and will meet us there later in the day. Froze our asses off at 0400 with a brisk 39F ride through the hills. Arrived around 8:00 AM and checked out my digs for the next couple of days. Wifey snagged a suite for us with a private hot tub. Pretty nice... Pool area was out the front door...
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