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Everything posted by Earache

  1. I may go - planning on staying in downtown Columbus either Friday or Saturday night and then hitting VMD the next day. Need to find a gas tank at the swap meet.
  2. "want textile for the wife " Sounds like a fair trade to me, but ya might hold out and get a pair of gloves out of the deal while you're trading. Just a thought....
  3. Earache

    deals gap 8/28

    I'm such a 'tard - I thought you meant this month. I'm headed there in two weeks. Sorry about that.
  4. Earache

    deals gap 8/28

    Funny - I'll; be staying at IronHorse that weekend as well. Won't be on sport bike- riding the ST down.
  5. We just got back from Utah on Sunday, so all of my bud's have already gone out there for the year - so its' looking like three of us then. Should I book one room or two? We can do three to a room without too much trouble as long as someone doesn't mind sleeping on the floor when sofa's or roll away beds aren't available. Can rotate who sleeps on the floor so no one would sleep there more than once or twice.
  6. We really need to get a firm body count and get reservations made. Seriously. Soon. I'll do the reservations, but need to know, for sure, who's going, etc.
  7. Hard to resist riding like a loon on roads like these.... I'm on top of the World!
  8. Again, the scenery is fantastic. Cold, crisp air scented with pine blows through your helmet and really makes you feel alive...
  9. I love these roads - smooth and twisty - but the lack of any guard rails is kinda scary at first... Fuck up a corner here and it's a long way down!
  10. Blasting 300 miles across the desert and we begin our climb into the Rockies. Huge contrast in topography and the amount of vegetation, not to mention elevation...
  11. Then along Lake Powell as we head back to the Rocky Mountains... The paved area to the right of the road is an airstrip. Looked kinda short to me, but then again, I'm not a pilot...
  12. While Brad and Landon go ahead, Joe and I stop at a canyon for a drink and pee break. More cool rock formations, drawings, stc...
  13. The reds and yellows of the rocks look great at sun rise and sunset. Pictures just don't do them justice....
  14. Next day and we're up at 0500 iand riding in order to beat the heat. Bambi and her friends were also up....
  15. Torrey was our furthest stop west. Time to head back east in the morning. We were all tired from being in the 100F+ heat all day and bagged it around 3:00 PM at Torrey. Brad and Landon had laundry to do today as well. But Joe and I got bored and we wanted to ride Route 12- supposed to be a great road. It's high - up to 10,000' - and green as can be. Lots of birch and pine trees at higher elevations with the desert onthe valley floor below us... Joe and I got back just as the Moon was rising. Nice end to a long assed day of riding...
  16. After fueling up, we're on the way to Torrey, Utah for the night. Stayed at the Best Western and expected it to be a dump. Wasn't too bad actually. Joe shows us the view from the room...
  17. From our vantage point we could see our next stop - the town of Hite. Calling it a "town" is kinda stretching it a bit as it's a gas station and some trailers... Still, the only gas for 150 miles so we had to get there.
  18. Landon pulled his bike off road and up to the edge for a pic - I'd have dropped my bike to it's death if I tried that...
  19. Cool - now, can you make my VCR quit blinking "12:00" ?
  20. Not halfway through the pics yet - I'll post rest of the trip later...
  21. We're heading out on another one in September with Casper and ShittyGixer - you're welcome to come!
  22. Ummm...what's a camera set up? I shot all of the pics with my point and shoot - many shots done from the seat of the bike at about 10 mph. Takes too long to stop. Camera is a Canon Powershot S5-IS, Cheap 8.0 megapixel that I keep in my tank bag. Have a small $10 folding tripod for the night shots. Never have traded bikes with anyone, mine is set up for me and no one else would wanna trade!
  23. +1 for what Lizard says. I take all of my stuff to Reuben as I know how anal he is about doing stuff the right way. He constantly studies new stuff and is always ahead of everyone else when it comes to the latest and greatest stuff. He's way into learning more about products than anyone else I know - always reading, talking to the manufcaturers weekly, etc. How much time have these other guys spent in the shock dyno rooms, studying the charts and farting around with adjustments? Reuben does this all of the time, so much so that I worry about him sometimes - guy needs a non-biking hobby! Plus, he's working for the Kevin Schwantz Racing School and always learning new stuff from Kevin and the racers that teach at the school. Constantly updating. It's weird, I yell ya...
  24. He, and the rest of us on the trip, is an old bastage at 43 years old. Doesn't complain like the younger riders do about riding more than 200 miles a week.
  25. Glad ya like them. I'll post more a bit later.
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