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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Multiple accounts isnt exactly strategy, thats borderline cheater shit.

    very true. but i got bored after making all my buildings up an then havin to wait 24 hours. so i built another account an im playing another game on it. both of my stuff wont interact with eachother for that sheer fact that peopel are alreaddy "not cheating" but liek you said not playing the game out like its susposed to.

    It is called tactical defense....

    meh how ever you look at it i guess... lame

  2. I just bought Mckinley ave, and put some buildings on it. What do you do after that? Just wait till tomorrow after some rent comes in, and build some more?


    up to you. you can save $ to get a better building but the more properties you have the more rent youll get every 24 hours... so up to you on how you want to do it.


    i bought a looong road for 1.5 an just built houses till i was broke(it onyl took up like 1/4 of that road too lol dam) an ill wait till tonight to expand

  3. I'm sticking to keeping 5 long ass streets as long as possible and upgrading buildings on them.


    After 5 streets you get taxed 3% per street. The tax they made is fucked up.


    yea i was reading that they said that if oyu have 38 streets its 100% tax an you wont be making any money at all lol sooo that sucks gonna buy me some big ass streets lol

  4. i bought expensive streets and got i have a fucked up accontant. my last game i had 10 streets and several buildings.

    my last acccount was banging this not so much. i bought a big ass long street that was liek 1.5 mil then built shit on it. gotta wait for tonight to expand...kinda wish rentn was quicker like 12 hour vs 24.

    Hmm it tells you who is spying on who. That does not sound like very good spying practice.

    o really? how do you check?

  5. Should be at 8 pm.


    I bought one street that was just over a million and put as many houses as my bank account would allow.


    Got a school to put on it too so it's protected.


    I DID THIS as well an put as many houses/buildings on it as i coudl but i never did get a card so i could build a school so hope no one jqacks up my shit

  6. My gawd that place must be all sorts of fucked up.

    you have no idea collections alone has me nto brian an luviathon ahahha funny shit then across the hall is jsutin webb guy ha

    You're probably fucked. I work there and they don't give me shit.


    And no, I do computer shit. no where near the credit card department/collections.

    my little teddy bear! lol



    ok back on topic sorry for um the off topic

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