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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. never had any issues with both trucks . the ram probably pulls better as its got the 5.9


    rams 4 years newer an has 55k less miles. make sure to jsut go over both trucks real well.


    have you thought about a f150 with the 5.4 or f250 around the same yearss you could get a f250 (like gearheads an like schmelmers work trucks) for a great price with the 5.4


    goodluck eathier way man

  2. Fucking Gearhead!


    yea between him an 91vr4glt they had 3 hazards on my land an jsut kept destroying buildings of mine under other screen names. so i just sold everything an keeping that screen name idle an not using it an started a new one.



    realllly wish you couldnt have multiple screen names really kills this game for me

  3. Why are people so paranoid about license plates. If you see me driving on the road you can read my plate, what does it matter if it's posted on the internet? Like how some people block out their plates when they post pics of their car online. Seems pointless to me.

    i especially wouldnt care driving a slowmaro an all eathier :)


    he has a point especially with pics... you drive the car peopel can see your plate... in public in a parking lot shoot in your garage. woooptie dooo.


    shoot ide be happy if i put my plate online(oh thats right im sure it is on there in my pics who cares :jerkit: ) an someone stole my shit woohooo g8 here i come!


    btw i love lamp

  4. Hi,


    I have a favor to ask. I am seeing a very nice lady. She is writing a vanity license plate book. She is looking for people who own a car with vanity plates. What she would need is why you chose the plate you did.


    Her site is at:


    Vanity Plates


    You can hit her "contact us" form or just scrape her e-mail and send it direct. If you do mention that I, Brian, steered you to her...I would appreciate it.


    Take care,




    especially if your into stealing cars lol


    Hey im also writing a book, all I need is your vin number


    he never posted anything about what your license plate was just why you chose it your paranoid bastard ... :)

  5. Looking for a car for 3 thousand give or take a little bit.


    5 spd> Auto




    I have an 07sv650s for possible trade with a yoshi slip on and under 4k on it but I'm driving it daily weather permitting for transportation so the mileage will be changing.




    you just got that sv your alreaddy done with bikes an trading it in?? goodluck man

  6. I would imagine once you start asking them to meet at a teller or that you are going to call to verify before purchase the scammers just hangup.


    EXACTALLY! so thatll put you at ease a little more but ide rather have it verifyed at the stadium before hadn to make sure its legit.



    edit: sorry for the thread jack just tryin to keep you from gettin scammed like a friend of mine got scammed goodluck

  7. Who should you call? what info is needed?


    i woudl assume calling the # on the ticket who issued it.( i think some one said that ticket master is handling t he tickets) or meet the person at the stadium an talk to a teller then an verify its legit


    sounds dumb to go threw so much but ide rather make sure its legit an lose out on a few hundred bucks of my hard earned money for some scammer

  8. make sure you get a physical ticket in hand an call to verify this ticket is legit.


    a friend just got pushed out of 300+ dollars cause of craigslist. she bought it off a guy who was a broker for a ebay site... turned out to be fraud. just a little heads up, any one can make a fake ticket. call an verify its a good ticket


    goodluck ive been trying to find a legit pair of tickets for a decent price(no luck lol)

  9. wow...several people must be gunning for paul...looks like 1/2 his streets are wiped out this morning..lmao

    I know right. Assholes.

    So houses are key to chance cards? Ive just been putting buildings up.


    U get a chance card well By chance ...its the luck of the draw.

  10. You stalker fag. Buying a bunch of streets in my 'hood, lol. Nice screen name :lol:

    Lmao took u long enough to figure out!!

    just knocked one of pauls buildings down...lol


    Ahh when did it reset? I still have all my stuff with my login?


    and how the hell do you get parks?

    u have to get a chance card sooo just kjeep buying houses an steets an itlll eventually get u one.
  11. Looking for something fulltime atleast 40+ hours a week. I have applied Via there website for a risk anyalst position and alwys been declined without an interview.

    I have plenty of experience with customer service and computers, so if you think you can get me a job there here shortly please let me know.


    Thanks JaKE


    i think our last class for collections has been filed cause it starts soon


    cehck out there website for the next class for


    telephone banking

    buisness banking


    ill keep an eye out, but cant check till i go back to work on monday

  12. i would have come if i could have located at least a leather jacket


    yea well youll get booted if you trap over 120 with out a proper leather jacket boots an pants you might as well not even try untill you get those. they were so dam anal last week it was insane an my bike traps less then 120

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