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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. No buying small streets and filling them up with houses is the way to go. You can't build a hazardous building on a full street. They are guaranteed to make income. Only way they are not is sometimes you get a Chance card with the option to demolish any of your building or another players. They can then do that to one of your buildings then later on install a hazardous building.





    You can only build those on a street you own. This then makes the street immune to hazardous buildings.

    i know i was tryign to have a park on every street on mine :) but i guess ive got a park close enough that it keeps most of my streets safe. for some reason im building up my neighbor hood in renynoldsburg :jerkit: im lame i know
  2. i get a similar situation when i call people at work doing collections...actually had one today that made me crack up



    call a cell phone, they answer


    "yeah mrs. so-and-so, calling about your past due credit card with XXXX"

    "i cant talk, im at work"

    "well, then why did you answer the phone?"

    "i thought it was my family. who the fuck are you to ask me that?"

    "you thought i was family? you live in new york, im calling from ohio. do you have family here? and i find it odd you 'cant talk' because you're at work, but you can use profanities like that???"


    then i got into it with her a little more before pissing her off to the point she hung up, which is what i was going for. lol

    i love collections lol this is daily for me :)


    lol that sucks ide be pissed off for is coem oen calle dme then but thats why you DO NOT put your # on c-list

  3. Tried to set a sig, can't do it. Looked it up in the faq's, followed the link, got

    "Sorry, you are not permitted to have a signature."




    Great, now I get the red X of death...


    yea to get into the forum the members must giv you enough rep points to get you in... posting pict ures of your rides would help get you enough points to get in to see the rest of the forum, get a sig an ect.

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