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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I left it on the ground in my parking spot at work, then i went to subway (1 block away). When I came back, it was gone. I know, stupid, but I was in a rush to get the BES shit fixed.


    2 hrs later, it is back by my bike, so it was either an honest theif, or some jackass playing a joke on me.


    eathier way dont question it as just take it as a sign to be more carefull next time. i know you were in a rush but being out a few hundred bucks for a new helmet would suck best of luck on a better day today man

  2. Fuck my day:


    1.) Blackberry Enterprise Server v5.0 (huge piece of shit) blows up, no one has connectivity, I get to rebuild it, not fun.


    2.) Someone stole my motorcycle helmet out of the parking lot


    dammmm that sucks how did you have it attached? im always afraid this will happen to i use my heltmet holder/lock thing an lockk i tup

  3. Mustang got him though on Reaction time. Mustang won on a 7.86.

    How when Shep had a 7.70 he got the light at the end


    He got to the end first? Trick question or what?

    your time starts when you trip the beams(when you leave) o he could of sat there for a secoind an never tripped the beam an then left. now yea he rana f aster time but the guy passed the finish first (heads up racing who ever gets tehre first...) does that make sense cause i confused my self lol

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