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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. yea im fine...i was looking down at my phone for a second because i thought it beeped and i didnt see the curb coming up..i was doing about 30mph and SMASH...triple clamp is snapped, bike is fucked....but the weld still held where he fixed the frame for me!


    Lol u are a tard. Alexwasent wearing a helmet when I was there... where the heck did he hit a curb?

  2. Congrats guys. I'm just mad at myself for never having done a rental before. Can't beat turning the car off at the beginning of the lanes and coasting up to the tower and not having to wait in line to run.


    yea.. its amazing to be able to make a pass. come back do some adjusting go make another an repeat with out worrying if youll get enough runs in. the longest you have to wait in line(so long as there arent any breaks or spills) is like 5 to 10 minuites tops an thats only with in the first 3 hours. anything after that just run straight up ha

  3. 3rd gear is hard to get up but once you do i always thought it was easier to ride out. maybe that was on my z50 though, i don't remember doing it on my 110.


    ur more then welcome to try it pinned on my 90 lol

  4. It is midnight, I just got back from the track I will get the up sometime saturday.


    I figured you would still be there making passes!


    an the thing about that is when you hot lap you donit get quicker. i just love drag racing. launching just right an slamming gears al the way down the track over an over. why do you think i do it so much. brian an i need to do a hot lap contest lol see who can be the most consistnt while hot lapping :)

  5. The other NTR guys didnt look to happy either:p


    thats cause no one was paying attention to him when he was doing stoppies.... hahaha





    haha erik was funny as hell on that thing. even know he did lay it down :nono:

    but i have to give it up to him hes got skill. i didnt think this bike coudl keep it up liek that with out a clutch since its lacking power but ha sweet.

  6. 34 lol that has to be a record for passes in one day at trails


    I am pretty sure i have that beat.


    mm i dunno, you did alot of sitting. i was go go go go go.............and go again

    sorrry boys im sure ive got the title in the bag ive made 76 runs in one day. it was at the last track day in april any one that was there can vouche for that lol i just going going since no one was in line. an at every single track day i put atleast 35-50 passes in.


    Thanks, the car should easily be going low 11's with a driver mod and me being more anal about icing down the blower.

    shoot should of had dyno brian drive the car it woulda hit your goal lol

  7. I don't know if posting this every week is neccesary, but I may be looking for something to do Saturday night. Of course I could stay home and watch the football game or Nascar race, so anyone else want to miss OSU to go hang out?


    must not miss osu game. sorry dudes!

  8. 11.611 @ 121.16 - 1.848 60'

    11.465 @ 121.37 - 1.786 60'

    11.460 @ 118.41 - 1.649 60'


    PB for me and first time I've ever gotten faster as the day went on.


    your car was really moving. im assuming the pick up was from the skinnies(vs those big huge stock srt8 rims) an looked like you went with a different combo on the rear.

  9. so who is gonna be the creepy guy that takes pics and posts for everyone else? Paul?


    I am going to try and make this, but if I cannot I need Paul to be the creepy guy taking pics. I will need some of these for my Ohio Sorority Index Matrix ... or fapalogue for short.


    Did I type that "out loud" ?

    what the hell? when did i become the cr creepy wierd guy?

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