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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. We can play in the twisties whenI get done...or some parking lot cones. Put me on your calendar for 12-12-2012, should be about done with it by then.


    2012?? f that i better not have this POS by 2012 lol! what do you daily drive, i coudl do some autoxing

  2. wow. the internet is serious business...


    whatever, this forum is fucking gay anyways.


    peace homos.

    the forum will be a better place with out you anyways go run your rsx threw a wall an into a lake thanks
  3. I never said that I wasn't going to the track, and you know damn well I'll kick your ass.


    BTW I never said I was taking my drag radials off, and unless anybody seems interested about the nitrous.......................well I don't need that anyway. So you :gtfo:

    your going down at the track big boy!!!


    new license plate list





    an if they coudl fit this on a licence plate



  4. Fellatio is accepted substitution for +rep.


    What? In the dark it all feels the same, fuck off.

    hmm it woudl appear as if i can + rep you sweet!!

    WTF? I don't own tube socks, and who cares how I dress anyway.

    hahha lofers

    George's plate was BLUBYU, RIP.


    Whenever we end up back at the track, you'll get walked.


    i knew it was close to that.


    oh here we go mr im not racing you .


    but the next minuite i am racing you... lol j.k but in all seriusness you wont have a chance in hell of walking me :gtfo:

  5. This is not even close to what you were saying last week. I have to be on street tires blah blah blah, but your car is so much faster blah blah blah. You had your chance and pussied out, I even fixed your car, and you pussied out. Now after I've decided that i don't want to take risks street racing you're going to call me out, stop being a deuchbag.
    who said anythign about the street? lets race at teh track heads up run what you bring get the sand out of your vagina an race me :bangbang:








    flybyu i think george statnon had that on his license place (rip) or mabey it was some one else

  6. It's not that the garage is small, it's that it's full of shit. Thus the organizing project. Trust me, it's better for my patience level to have all of that stuff out of the way vs me stepping on shit.

    true. i had this jsut last month.


    but im sur ei have a ton more shit haha


    i have a two car garage an had so much junk un organized that i coudlnt fit any car in there. an only both my motorcycles. whuch was fine but then i bought a 10 foot jet ski lol crap. so organized it amazing now i can get a 10 foot jet ski both bikes riding lawnmower an a car in there. wooo

  7. If I race you again you won't shut up anyway, so what do I care. I happen to like my screen name and license plate.

    leave the NOSSSSSSSSSSSSS an drag radials on. fuck it run what you bring bitch!




    an chris i wish i could +rep you, y our cracking me up the last few days hahahahah

  8. This was to a friend...NOT my girlfriend


    Me: So you goann let me tap that or not?

    Her: Haha, what?

    Me: Tap that...are you goann let me?

    Her: Tap what, and where is this coming from

    Me: Your ass, so now that we're clear you goann let me tap it?

    Her: Ummmm, seriously.

    Me: Yes, now quit with the games. Either you will or you won't

    Her: WOW, what brought this on.

    Me: Yes or No.


    Me: Yes or No

    Her: Sure

    Me: Niiiice

    Her: Call me!


    That was like a 20 minute text, like she was really thinking about it. Now I feel dirty...So I just texted my girlfriend. haha


    Me: You goanna let me tap that?

    Her: After work but before dinner…which you’re going to make for me!

    Me: WOW!


    haha tehres always a catch!

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