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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I use to go to the Flow all the time when it was on Brice Rd. Is it stll on Groves Rd.?


    Oh and btw... Riding> Skating!


    psssh Roller Skating>riding


    i miss the days of dropping in on half pipes on my blades :( i stil have my k2's hmmm zach wanna hit up a skate park one of these days aahaha( its been a good 9 years since ive last done dumb crap like this)

  2. I just had someone come and do a spring, they were awesome, PAD door systems, and request Larry.


    how much was it to do this? i need a spring on both doors replaced. you can pm me if you care to share his pricing that you got done.

  3. Do you have Dirt? I have been playing that more here as of late. I am over COD4 and COD5 I get my face kicked in by little kids. Maybe I need to practice more or something.


    When my buddy opens his game shop I will post the info up he is going to have tourny's and stuff...


    played it but didnt think it was worth it to buy it. play some cod4 with me(we can set up so we jsut play with people we only know so its easier on you old man) an you have to race with rob(sol740) jr(marubu) an sometimes firecrotch

    on some forza 2



    COD4 is a joke if your not playing in a premade team (5 other friends)

    WAW... WAW's gay cause its all lil kids


    You plan on getting dirt 2 when it comes out? Comes out in like a month or two.

    mabey you just suck so bad. try puttin the blunt down an you might learn to actually play it decent. that or you can go back to being a drift bitch too





    to the Op and any others add me up if you ever are on

  4. cheapest i coudl find was online. but then you pay for shipping an it comes out the same as if you were to go to iron pony. also try going to the place you bought your bike from an see if they offer a disctoun on parts(cause you bought from them). i know my dealer does this for me :)
  5. So some of you might know we from the Sat meet everyone had in Cincy....came over to check this site out and see what everyone has to offer on this board.


    Ive owned/currently own

    03 350Z...just little things...Nismo Cold Air, Nismo Exhaust and some Racing Hart 18x10.5, 18x9 rims

    92 Civic Hatch, built, sleeved h22 for boost...never got boost. Sold it.

    92 Civic hatch bottem end built b16 with boost....sold that


    Own currently

    92 4 door Teg...bone stock

    03 GSXR750...few mods....nothin yet till winter. Have a 04 1k motor and all acc for the swap to the 750 frame along with its gonna be lowered and stretched some.

    Thats bout all. Have a 2.5 month old daughter at home so Im done with cars for awhile.




    wow mabey after this you wont throw such a fit an act like a puss an actually do a dig race.... roll racing bikes ha......



    an dont give the excuse wa wa wa i didnt have a strap im not lowered blah blah 1 you knew we were brining bikes down 2 i even offered my lowering strap to you an the guy on the zx10.... tisk tisk...

  6. checked last night at least and they were calling for rain sat night... but friday night looks clear...


    anyone got some cheap 17 tires?


    i got dry rotted 18s on universal rims i might burn up...



    side question is there any problem doing this with dry rotted tires?

    are they more prone to pop or anything?

    are you that much of a pussie? :gtfo:

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