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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. scott "nd2race" so



    Ok im going to have to ask. what are you goign to change your screen name an license plate to now that well.. you say your not racing any more. only the OCASIONAL run at the TRACK? so


    lets help get him started on some new plate an screen name








    any one have any good ones?

  2. I was going to say San Diego as well, but there is a lot of bullshit that comes along with living in Cali.


    such as? only downfall when i lived there was housing was expensive as hell an registering your car( our expedition was 500 a year :doh: ) but most everythign else was fine.

  3. You never even gave me your number James!!! After all I did for you and you're gonna come at me like that!!! :( I should have known you were too good to be true! Hahahahaha thanks man.


    And Paul, really all I have there is my checking account.


    Ps what's this Sallie Mae jazz...I've been out of this game for a few years, I have no idea what you guys are talking about.


    go to google. type in sallie may you tard. its a company that deals with student loans...

  4. Ah see I didn't know the big banks like Chase did that kinda stuff. I've just seen those student loan commercials on TV talking about "how are you going to pay for all your other expenses...blah blah blah". I guess since I already bank with Chase I'll give them a call. I'll look into the other banks as well. About how long does it take to get the money? Thanks for the quick response guys.


    im sorry to hear that you fail this bad. get the hell out of that bank seriously lol

  5. my buddy uses sallie may. an gets like enough for his classes books an then liek 2 k extra for "expenses" each quarter goodluck man


    i have mine threw us bank but i just borrowed enough to pay for the classes thats all. i wonder if they would give me more hah

  6. Correct! You win +rep and a chance at the bonus round....


    Now looks like you have some good mods there. Who is doing your converter? What brand? I am looking to maybe get one myself.


    Oh and ignore paul he would 40 roll and dig race the popemobile if he he had the chance.


    hell no the popemobile's got a 300shot fhtat

  7. an it would appear my + rep got him in the green. im sure youll be able to see the forum when a few more people see that your trying























    SOOO... wanna get walked by a neon?(haha sorry im bored

  8. hmm i belive every one is there own person. so even know his friend buddy pal boyfriend what ever you want to cal lhim is a whiney little BITCH an likjes to cry alot.


    but as long as your not a tool bag ill give oyu some + rep here in a few ( i did too much rep in teh last 24 hours) sucks your in the red alreaddy. an im willing to bet the reason why your in the red isant cause your a bad guy its soly cause your billy bad ass friend ruind it for you. sorry mang goodluck

  9. Its my second.The first child was normal and delivered down the pink tunnel.My little boy was deliverd via C-Section,so its a little nerve racking when you see someone cutting someone you care about open.







    Thank you everyone for the warm wishes. This is what makes me love CR long time.


    Congratz How many kids do you have now?


    reading owns you ha



    congrats man.... im assuming since the doc undid the cords its not a ginger. you know we have to keep the population control an all :)

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