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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Hi y'all,


    H-town checking in. :bangbang:

    I daily a '95 240sx.


    Heard y'all ain't down, is that right?




    heard YALl AINT DOWN?


    what are we Aint down for?



    wtf do you speak english?



    an why are you on the columbus OHIO forum with you live in buttfuck texas?

  2. trails west. the've been doing jeep shit for years and years


    x2 they jsut built a new bad ass building only a few miles down teh road from ther elast one. still on main street



    also try pming i think his screen name is tractor on here. hes got a nasty yota thats fully built he might be able to help you in the right direction

  3. tyler stfu rob stfu as well.


    to the new guy nice run with you man( i was the guy on the blue yamaha 600 u raced.. with teh "chin pubes") was a good run. your car runs strong!

    an lik ei poste don css your an asssshole online but in person your cool as shit haha

  4. No offense....but I aint really gonna believe anything any of you say. Lol


    its the truth


    ha... dont even bother trying to convince him. he looked over a stock bs an claimed it has all this shit...when he looked everty thing over :jerkit:

  5. if you want to go an throw it into corners then yes . my bike is lowered an if i dip it into a corner even some what my foot hits the ground an kicks the bike back up...not fun.


    im asuming that bike is lowered liek every otehr bike. dog bones on the rear end. there shoudl be three holes for settings. the one your on is the lowest (3inchs) there shoudl be a half way(1.5 inchs) an then a stock level. i would go to the middle imo

  6. I'm trying to build credit and I'm paying for my school in cash.


    So either take out school loans, or take out a loan for this...


    The loan is 3k by the way. And everything I've found on CL through the columbus search is above 3k.


    99% sure you coudl get a school loan at a better rate then you can a loan for a used motorcycle. goodluck hope to see you out there on two wheels

  7. ....people who cant drive, dont listen, who doesnt know what your account is negative means :mad:paul since this past weekend, girls who dont give it up on the first date, and people who wear flipflops in the damn winter!!!! WTF Theres more but that was bugging me
    its not my fault your causing a big shirt storm an you dont even have anythign to back it up with....or to driive preety much period :bangbang: lol where we going to lunch?


    post like this bother me.



  8. lol @ john hahaha



    here is my bike at the dealer... stock. it has since been lowered 3 inches an a a slip on. my bikes turd i know but its comnfy fuckers

    dover took a pic of the bike slammed next to his but i cant access my facebook at the molment so ill post when i get home




  9. Interested and in line. If I may ask, why don't you want anymore?
    1 i rarely go places i dont know. 2 i have google maps on my phone :).


    i got screwed.... paul is racist that is why im 2nd.
    lol not my fault you were slow to respond. it had been posted for like an hour before steven said he wanted it





    dam if i coudl of known it woulld have so much interest i wouldnt of sold it so cheap. F M L lol ah well its cool

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