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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. phil stfu an get off there nuts. sorry but you shoudl be on our side....



    an yea brandon shouildnt be sayign anythign cause well he didnt have shit ti run

    dover mike me who gives a shit who rides the bike. frankly they wouldnt know whos bike it was if we didnt specify so whats teh big deal with riding some one elses shit?


    moral of the story stop cupping there balls an get your pos done lol

  2. Do something where people can drink if they want. Go to Gameworks

    he doesnt like to be around people when they drink....

    Tell him to grow a pair and have a party with booze and strippers anyway. Just because he doesn't like to do anything doesn't mean the rest of you guys can't have any fun.

    normally i woudl jsut call him a little bitch but this is kinda his day any other time ide leave his ass haha

  3. So i need help planning my best friends bachelor party....







    but ive got a major problem.... he doesnt drink, he doesnt party(wont even go to clubs parties or bars jsut to chill) an wont accept my stripper we had an no titty bars.... he used to party hard but now.... hes all churchy an thinks its not a good idea blah blah blah blah!


    so with that being said wtf do i do for a 21 year old bachelor thats getting married on the 12th? oh an our free time is a monday(lame...you can thank hsi fiance for that)?

  4. Only if I can change your name to.. "Digman Racer" Dig racing.. so easy a neon can beat a camaro.


    I figured I would go ahead and say it before Paul follows you in here and posts that pic for the 97th time :lol:



  5. i cant find the pic but every time i see mopar in a hat he reminds me oh a "gangster rapper" from the 90s lol



    this isant the pic but ahh well you get the affect there was one i foudn that looked exactaly like mopar haha



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