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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I already planned on it. ;)




    Maybe he just needs to do this http://static.mazdas247.com/smilies/jerkit.gif Sorry, you can justhttp://static.mazdas247.com/smilies/Kick.gifme for that comment.




    I dunno, I'm not getting on anyone's bad side that's for sure!


    he just had a kid in the last few weeks.. so the dude wont sleep for a few more months lol

  2. Should have told me, I was up at Indian Lake all weekend, you could have come up there. I think I will be good to make it Thurs. Shanton said he would be out too but might be in on a boat.


    thats cool he can ride my ski a bit if he wants anyways.




    bump. lets do this weather is suspoised to be niceeee thursday wooo

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