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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. oh is the dumb ass that said it was 4 bolts? when there was 12? :bangbang:


    WAA WAA WAAA i miss judged hahah you stil lgot paid an if it wasent for you i wouldnt of been able to beat...







    lol one of these days scotts gonna kill me from this pic... :)

    but the car did peg lean into the red off the charts. not sure if its cause the extra air flowing out of if my tunning system wire was coming lose. cause some runs perfect some runs leannnnnnnnn haha an then the car shut off like a homo

  2. yeah :rolleyes: that guy...i think the night you was here i was ready to hit him with something :mad:


    yea but thats because you wewre mad at my car. that was susposed to take 20 minuites an your jackassself took an hour an a half :bangbang:

  3. :cry: lol j.k


    scott man dont get so frustrated its just a car. its not like its your daily. just drive your truck an enjoy your car. if it breaks it breaks your cars no longer stock. shits gonna break. so quit being emo cause you lost to an econo box neon an get your shit all worked out so i can walk it again :) an just for good measure. lol love you scottttttttttt

























  4. no he is ok...he just comes over and takes beer from the frig and leaves. that i can handle..but then i would have said the hippie boat guy... this is over talkitive kid


    lol the guy who trys to help you with your tools? haha

  5. you guys and your fanccyyy supercharged jetskis an boats.... im with my slowe old school carbed 1200 ha i fail lol i need mods. dont even know where to start. greenhulk isant much help cause no one describes what the hell anythign is. just says you need this lol ahhh
  6. I have all if their albums, and they all kick ass.


    Paul, you wouldn't know a killer prize if one jumped up and bit you in the ass. I guess you'd be happy if it were the Backstreet Boys or some shit, then you'd be begging me to go :p


    OPSSSS BACK STREET BOYS are HOMOOO, its all about nsync baby!!

  7. mazdas are going to overthrow the fbody majority around here

    theyre gonna go after you first, youre the weak one....theres gonna shove grenades in the massive hole in your door


    god i hope those turds dont

  8. Yeah I've seen the filthy thing, clean it and fix your peon so I can stop hearing about it. Lets race now, tonight, tommarow, this weekend, oh wait yours is broke, fuckstick.


    funny thing is i cleaned that filter not even 2 months ago. right before cleveland. i just run a crap ton of miles. an pssss my car is broke yea yeayea then come help me fix it fool!! alex might come an try to help as well this weekend...u know you wannna

  9. meh the amount of miles i put on my car a year its paid for it self time an time again. plus i have a cai so i cant throw in a normal flat paper filter an trying to find a good cone that will withstand the constant heat, abuse an miles is just not worth it. i used to have a little 4 inch cone filter on there that broke dropped an someone stepped on it. so i had a big asss 9 inch one left over from my fenderwell intake i had for my grand prix. slapped that thing on there two an a half years ago an it works great to this day.
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