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Everything posted by VMX12C

  1. THE UNDERPANTS KNOMES!!!!!! That was a great episode.
  2. Too bad you need them to walk.
  3. step #6 - Get some more cards to hand out. step #7 - Repeat above steps. step #4 - ??? = Buy ME a beer.
  4. Heini's. I love that place. It's worth the trip just to go there. Got to watch the process they use to make cheese one time. They have some of the best beef jerky in the world. The Der Dutchman has some amazing food too. I wanna get me some Heini!
  5. I was at the pony yesterday and saw a stack of cards. To my surprise, they were for the Lodge Bike Night with the O.R. logo on them. I gave a couple to my buddies so they could join the club too.
  6. VMX12C

    clear fairings

    I don't have a fairing.....but I have a flyscreen. It's smoked.
  8. ......Hi How are ya? No don't mind me sitting here in my lane. No that's okay that you're so self absorbed that you can't see a whole other vehicle already there. No physics is wrong, two objects CAN occupy the same space. An Old Asshat is still an asshat.......just made it through life without someone killing him.
  9. Who cares if it flies. It's Airwolf Man!!!!! I want an Airwolf helmet for riding. The cool way the visor flips up into it without even touching it. Saw one on ebay. 400 bucks, yeah right.
  10. ‘MotorSandal’ are available in selected Bata stores across the country at an affordable retail price of Taka 900.00. What the heck is a Taka?
  11. The BEST date for skydiving was June 6th, 1944. The rest was history.
  12. You could try Amish country out by Berlin, OH. There's some killer roads out that'a way. Lot of deer though, so be careful.
  13. Wonder if those foot rockets could be mounted to the back of a VMAX......Hmmmmmmmm. That would definitely solve the question of whether the Busa is faster or not.....LOLOL
  14. I used to go to the 40 East Drive-in on Main St. just out side of Reynoldsburg. I wish they'd bring it back. Triple shows and the best damn popcorn you could get. I'll have to check out the one on High.
  15. Yeah, that's what it said for mine too. Good thing you already ride. It did have a requirement that you've already ridden at least a 1000 miles. They told me that the course was primarily for people who just go get temp packets each year and never take the test. This way the state can lighten up the work load on the BMV workers. Saw one MotoChic flip over the handlebars of a Rebel. She was o.k. but had one heck of a road rash on her cheek. She tried to stop and turn too quick and went right over. Failed the class and dented up the tank. Too bad. Hope she does better next time.
  16. VMX12C


    A little old lady had always wanted to join a local biker club. One day she goes up and knocks on the door. A big, hairy, bearded biker with tattoos all over his arms answers. She proclaims, "I want to join your club." The guy was amused, but says she needs to meet certain biker requirements in order to join. The biker asks: "Do you have a motorcycle?" The little old lady replies: "Yep... my bike's parked over there", and points to a Harley in the driveway. The biker asks: "Do you drink?" The little old lady replies: "Yep... drink like a fish. I'll drink any man in your club under the table." The biker asks: "Do you smoke?" The lady replies: "Yep... smoke like a chimney. At least 4 packs of cigarettes a day. I'm shooting pool." Very impressed the biker asks: "Last question, have you ever been picked up by the fuzz?" The old lady thinks for a minute and says: Nope, ... but I've been swung around by my nipples a few times."
  17. Had a cage almost take me out two nights ago. I was in my lane, idiot came left of center and followed the road right at me. I pulled off the side of the road and waited. He skidded over the grassy area and onto the service road....just so he could get some KFC!!!! Pissed me off, so as I was in uniform, thought he needed a talking to. He said he didn't see me. Yeah right. A bright yellow traffic vest with a badge blazing in the moonight......red reflective tape all the way around the helmet and he didn't see me. Not to mention the headlight. Guess he didn't see the red light or the left turn at the intersection either. Too bad I wasn't in my cruiser. Idiot was on his cell phone and hungry "fo sum chiken"! Asshat!
  18. I took the BRC2 course for my endorsement. It's pretty much the same as the experienced riders course except it's only one day. They do expect you to be able to ride already when you get there.....it's not for noobs. Had a great time doing it though.
  19. NRG Can you feel the electricity? What's your Nick there?
  20. I remember when a 256k hard drive was top of the line. Anyone remember the TRS-80 or the Apple IIe? How about the Commodore 64? Technology is moving so fast that it's actually scary. Can't wait until they get the sockets for your head so you can just plug in to the internet and don't even need a keyboard. I've been keeping up....as I am kinda a techno geek myself. I hear that they are working on a new storage medium which is a crystal cube about an inch square. It could hold the entire Library of Congress on one cube. Hang on, gonna be a fun ride.
  21. Where can I get one of those neat little Ohio-riders.net stickers for my ride?
  22. It doesn't really look like a Hardley. I just found a link to the website: http://www.harley-davidson.com/wcm/Content/Pages/2006_Campaigns/XR1200_minisite/XR1200.jsp?locale=en_GB&swfxrdna=1 Says it will cost 7,655 GBP (whatever that is) Here's a pic: Not bad looking, just not something I'd ride.
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