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Everything posted by VMX12C
I know, that's why the signature picture is "Pork Fried Rice" I like rice. Rice is good. What I was getting at is Harley likes to think they're all American Made. And they look down on us Rice Runners. The VROD is rice too, they just won't admit it. Hmmmmm, I guess our bikes would be "second" rice instead of "minute" rice.
I like the way you think. I had actually considered adding a few touches such as a siren box and a few hidden lights. It'd be "interesting" trying to find places to fit everything, but damn, that would be fricken funny. I was thinking I could add leds to the "air scoops" to hide them. No "entrapment" there......LOL
Had a VROD pull up beside me the other day. Nice looking bike. He revved like he wanted to race. I just smiled at him. Too bad it was a street and not a track. In my opinion, the VROD isn't even a Harley. It's a rice rocket in disguise. Good try HD, good try. Now go away and play with the little ones. LOL
From what I've read the Busa has far greater handling in turns than Mr. Max, but the Dyno's that I've seen show the Max has a higher top end....hence more power on the straight track. I'm not into "challenging" anyone to a race, but I'd love to find a straight track to see what the Max has. Does anyone know if the 1/4 track at Kirkersville is open to the public now that Budweiser doesn't use it? I wouldn't even consider doing twisties at speed on this bike. I do want to ride the dragon, but at a slow safe speed. I've never ridden anything like a Ninja or CBR, but I know that the Max has a LOT of power that I don't use. You can feel it wanting to pull out the stops. If it could talk, It'd say "Damn, a pig is riding me!" I love the looks that I get from HD riders. They pull up at a stoplight and then just hang their heads. They're pretty bikes. Max isn't pretty, he's fricken mean looking.
Well now. If that has 140 pounds of torque, I'd buy it. LOL
My first was an 82 Yamaha Maxim 750. Loved that bike. Ran the piss out of it. It had 40,000 miles on it when I got done. Finally gave it away cause of the cost to get it running again. Second was a 06 Kawasaki Vulcan 500. The price was right and I wanted to get back in the saddle. Traded it after 4,009 miles. Wasn't what I wanted. Current is an 01 Yamaha V-max 1200. OMG this is absolutely my favorite bike. If given another bike for free, I'd still ride this one. So much power that it's scary. Can't do turns real well, but on a straight line, nothing can touch it.
Got mine for half of list price cause it had been sitting. Nobody would touch it. I didn't know about the whole "King of the Road" thing until I bought the bike and started doing research about it. And don't forget about the V-Boost. First time I got it to 6500 RPM's the damn thing almost took off without me. I mean it was like......la, la, la, then Holy Crap!!!! How did they package a volcano in such a small machine? And yes, straight is great. Turn's Suck!
I like that one. Gonna use it at the PD now when I see a biker go who isn't dressed for it and acting the fool.
Blacklick still has some "cow town" left in it. It's close to the freeway and the airport, but traffic isn't so bad that you get pissed off every day.....unless you're on E. Broad St. at rush hour.
Lane splitting: Not addressed in codes or statutes?
VMX12C replied to Mc_spirited's topic in Daily Ride
I met a road sergeant last time if Ft. Lauderdale at the Floridian Restaurant. Really nice guy. We chatted about some "war" stories. Needless to say, I was not real interested in moving down there. Ultra Rich and Ultra Poor. The richies think they own you and the poor ones don't care any more. Scary place if you really think about it. Gotta love the sun and beaches though. -
I just let a biker off with a warning. He was going 48 in a 35. Not too much over, but still. He had a really cool rice rocket. Couldn't tell what it was because of the paint job. Biomechanical something or other. Looked awsome. He had a good attitude and called me sir. That's the real secret to getting out of paper. Be nice. Sometimes you're gonna get written regardless, but if you make it easy for the cop, he's more likely to give a warning.
All you gotta do is ask. Not like you couldn't smell the bacon anyway. LOL How do you like the 06 Max? Mine is an 01. Love it.
First off. I do not condone, nor have I ever condoned the killing of anyone who does not believe the way that I do. Those ancient Christians....or any of the religions for that matter, used religion as a political tool. They used peoples faith and destroyed lives. My God did not teach that. Jesus said that if someone strikes you on the cheek, give him the other to strike. He also said love your enemies. He was a very progressive man for his time. Yet, he didn't come out and say that God the Father was wrong about homosexuality. Any time religion is used as a political tool, it is wrong and no longer a religion. There are many of Middle Eastern decent living in the US that are Muslim. I don't hate them for the actions of those who have turned the Muslim faith into a political tool and attacked the innocents of 9/11. I hate those who turned it such. I think that being called a hypocrite, when I clearly said that EACH person was entitled to their own view is a little uncalled for. If you actually read my post, you see that I said that Nick was entitled to his view point, just as others were. I didn't want to see Nick being bashed for believing what he did. I didn't call anyone out and tell them they didn't have the right to say just how gay they were. I never called homosexuals any names, other than to point out what would happen for doing so. Even then it wasn't an attack. I wasn't "breathing fire" against them. I didn't call for all gays and lesbians to be taken to a gas chamber. Nope, a simple re-direction so that ALL people would have a fair shot. You are one of the reasons that Christians have to hide their feelings. We are afraid of being sued by the liberal media for talking out against something that is clearly defined by our faith and principles. You cannot say that you are a Christian and still be "okay" with people disobeying God's laws. I am daily reminded that dominion of this Earth was given to the dark one. I'm not "okay" with any of God's laws being broken, not just homosexuality. Your statements are a very good example of how much damage has actually been done to the moral fabric of society today. To use your thought processes, since it's okay to be gay. Wouldn't it be okay to be a pedophile? Or how about dead people? I mean some people get off on that. Or even animals. That's okay too. Whatever is pleasurable must be okay. There's a severe breakdown of morals when those things happen. After all, this is a society that says I can't even smoke outside a public buildings entrance any more for fear of offending someone. But that's okay. It's okay that you want to feel the way that you do. However, who is the hypocrite? You say that you're religious. That's fine. Atheism is a religion of denial. Gnostics are religious, without a God. Even L. Ron Hubbard started his own church of science. Until you have taken Jesus as the way and the life, you don't know what you're talking about. Read the scriptures and understand just how they impact you today. The message is timeless and was written for you. You have the right to say what you want.....my forefathers fought and died for it (at least until liberals get freedom of speech removed from the Constitution). You have the right to deny God.....He gave us free will. You also have the right to salvation......Jesus was nailed to a cross for it. I hope that you can open your eyes and see that my statements were not an attack on anyone. They were actually in defense of all. I will not, however, pick and choose amongst the commandments that God has given us. It's all or nothing. Break one, break all. Sin is very, very deadly. Not only will it harm your "living" world, but it will destroy your "after living" world as well. I have stated my position. If you don't like it, that's okay. You are free to agree or disagree with me. Call me names. Call me a hate monger. Do what "feels" good to you. I will pray for you anyway. Jesus said while on the cross "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." God Bless each of you and Ride Safe.
Check the bolts that hold the shocks on. I just found out that I had been riding for God knows how long without the right rear bolt holding the shock on. The nut had come off. Oh, of course it had to be a $30.00 "pretty" Spacer nut that you can only get from a Yamaha dealer. No, not a regular metric that you can get at a hardware store. I also found the front nut missing from the wheel. It seems that when the previous owner changed the front tire, he didn't put the cotter pin back in. Gone. At least it was a regular bolt so a nut was easy to find. Lock-tite. Wonderful product.
I have to say that I agree with Nick. As a Christian minister I believe that homosexuality is a sin, regardless of sex. It is clearly identified as an abomination before God in many places in the Holy Bible. Now before you all flame me. I do not go out of my way to make gay and lesbians feel bad about themselves. It is not for me to judge them......."judge not lest ye be judged". I do however feel that your sexual preference is none of my business. It is definitely none of the governments business. No laws should be made protecting anyones sexual preference. There are no laws on the books making it illegal to say anything about me being a heterosexual. A gay man can call me names all he wants and nothing would be done. Call him a "fag" or "queer" and you're in for a lawsuit. Nick has a right to feel the way he does, just as you have a right to feel the way you do. He is right that the loosening of morals in today's society will be the downfall of this great nation. When it becomes acceptable to take away the rights of the majority for the sake of the few, the downward spiral is begun. Tolerance is one thing. I tolerate homosexuals because not to do so would label me a hate monger and homo-phobe. Neither is the case, but watch it in the media. I'd be a monster in their eyes. Nick would be blasted as a replacement for Hitler in todays media. Is it true? Some of you on the forum now him personally. Is he a good guy or a tyrant? It's easier to "go with the flow" on this issue. It's "in style" to be gay. I'm sorry to say that I will be hopelessly out of fashion if that's the case, I like women too much for that. I really don't think that a day will come when I can look at a hairy ass in a speedo and think to myself "Wow that looks good". Homosexuals will have to answer for their ways on the day of judgment. Until that time, I will point them in the right direction without my personal feelings getting in the way. God gave us his laws. He gave us a blueprint for living a good and spiritual life. If we chose to disobey them, then it's on your own soul. Oh, I forgot. Atheism is "in style" too, so I guess I'm preaching to myself....and Nick. Nick, Don't worry about your dislike of homosexuals. You are not alone. God is a good ally. -R
Hello there. I'm a newb too. Nice Ride.
A toast: To our wives and our girlfriends..........May they never meet!
I got to meet her at Spring Nationals down in Newark when they were still there. Very nice lady......and hot too.
Ok. I admit it. I am a lesbian trapped in a mans body. Figure that one out....LOL Mickie Dee's should change from the Golden Arches to the Double Rainbow.
Gotta keep rubbin' it in that you got a red light ticket!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Just got an email from the forum asking me to post up. Here it is.
Probably not even if it was a 125 Vespa. Oh, wait did I see someone on here taking a Vespa to QS&L night? I'll race them!!!! Disclaimer: On a legal straight track that is thoroughly tested, signed off on and sanctioned......LOL
Hey, I only get cops pay. Give me some time.....I'm eyeing a nice Desert Eagle fity right now.