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Everything posted by VMX12C

  1. Hey, My Scion will beat your Chevette ANY day!
  2. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  3. And by hog to you mean women or bikes? Either fits.....LOLOL Cornhole is really....really boring. I got the card as a joke for the Scion group I belong to.
  4. If I can get a Thursday off from work, I'd be up for it. I am a registered member of the ACA. American Cornhole Association. No Really. Got a little membership card and everything. Any tournies that you do, I could make "official" and post results on the ACA website.
  5. Only on a straight track which has been thoroughly tested, signed off on and approved for said use. Actually, I think Mr. Max is pissed cause he has a cop on top. You can feel it wanting to take off and have to be restrained.
  6. No, but I wonder what my Vic would register on the Dyno. I'm afraid to find out what my VMAX's Dyno is......that thing is scary fast. V-Boost what?
  7. I got an extremely cheap shoulder holster with ammo holster on ebay. Thought it would be crap, but for the price....what the heck. Turned out to be a great product, well made. I use it all the time. On the bike it feels better than something on the waist. It seemed like they had plenty of them in stock on their ebay "store".
  8. Sometimes when you think they are out to get you.....they really are out to get you. Shhhhhh, did you see that UFO land over there.......Who are these guys all wearing black?
  9. Gun control just means how you hold the gun. You show me a law, I'll show you someone who's breaking it. If they take all the guns away from the honest citizen, who will have guns? Criminals. They don't care anyway. Don't create new laws, enforce the ones on the books.
  10. Then it wasn't me. Don't know all the different models of the different makes. I know them to look at them, but not their numbers and letters.
  11. Not that I know of. I meet so many people. I am assuming you're talking about a deputies badge number who had fallen? I see those all the time as supporters to the family.
  12. It's all good Chris. Just so long as you waive at me with all five fingers instead of just one..... Read my previous post. Do you want to make a difference? Then instead of saying Ride Safe, I'll be able to say "Be Safe" It's a cop thing.
  13. I so wish I had the cash for that Deal <- A buddy and I are supposed to go there early this summer. I guess they are really cracking down on bikers though. 15 MPH is the limit and if you cross the double yellow its a ticket too. No warnings given. Still, three hundred turns in eleven miles......hooooooah! I wanna slay that dragon.
  14. No its not heat. We're just discussing different perspectives. Every industry...and yes law enforcement is an industry, has it's share of "evil doers" to repeat a media phrase. What you detected as "heat" was actually a "challenge". I became a cop so that I could make a difference. Stereotypes are bad. That is what I do. Break the mold so to speak. Break the stereotype. I am a Christian Minister that will cuss you out for doing something boneheaded. Sometimes that's the only way you get someones attention. I am a cop who will actually shed a tear with you. Because I am a human who has the same feelings that you do. I am a military officer that the troops under me don't hate. That's because I earned my rank and know what it's like to be an enlisted person. Treat them with the respect that you want returned. I've worked hard in my life to make a difference. If you get a ticket from me, you earned it. If you see something that is broken....fix it. If you see a cop doing something illegal, report it. The best way to fix a broken system is to become part of that system. You will slowly make a difference. The officers that are my friends and co-workers know that I will not tolerate any deviation from the "book".....either of them. I will not tolerate being rude to the citizenry that we are sworn to protect. It's not easy.....from experience.....to be nice to a person that is trying to kill you. Citizens only see the "outside" of what is going on. You (general public) only see glimpses of the inside world. No it's not COPS episodes. 95% of law enforcement is pure boredom. The other 5% is shear terror. Become what you Hate and you can change it. Hate for hates sake serves no purpose. That what my intention. Making someone think, rather than hate. Do you think Jesus was a mild mannered whimpy boy? No he's the one who toppled over the money lenders tables at the temple. He became what he hated to change the system. He became the church that was broken, so that the People could benefit. Any of you out there willing to put your life on the line every day for people who hate you? Any of you want to make a difference instead of complain? Local academy's are starting all the time. Ride Safe!!
  15. Okay. You admit that you "normally" speed by five over. If your speedo is wrong by five.....guess what, you're doing 10 over. Why take that chance? I won't tell you how many MPH over I give before a ticket is issued, but lets just say If I pull you over, you do deserve the ticket coming. I don't piss around with petty little 5 over tickets. No, he doesn't have to have his lights on if he's going to a call. He may be going to something that doesn't require lights and sirens. I've done it myself. You think a cop is going to announce himself to a burglar that he's trying to catch in the act? Or a bank robber who still there with a gun on someone. You see the same cops do the same things in the same area. Could it just be that that cop or the cops in that department are squirrels? No, you take a stance that all cops have to earn your respect. Okay. You go to the academy. Earn the right to wear a badge. Then go to a department and make a difference. What's that...you don't want to spend the thousands of dollars it takes to buy the schooling. I'm sorry, you don't have the time to commit to changing your whole life around to meet the demands of the training? What you don't want to get physically fit to pass a PT test that would make a Marine Sniper cry? Oh, I see. You don't want to do what it takes to make things right. You just want to complain how unfair you've been treated cause you only broke the law a little bit. For all that it's worth.....since I'm a cop and obviously a bad guy, Ride Safe !!
  16. No, what I meant was Your = general public and actual one = what was really going on in the cruiser. He may have just decided to be a dick and bust the RR crossing. But we can't know that. I always try to give benefit of the doubt when dealing with an unknown issue. I actually train that to my rookies. When there is any doubt alway err on the side of the citizen. What I was trying to do was to let you know that all cops aren't asshats. I am actually liked by people outside of the profession. That is rare. I didn't want to offend you, just let you know that there are actually some "good" guys out there who do the job for the right reasons. You've just met one.
  17. Cops love to mess with other cops stuff. Like turn all of your gear upside down on your belt and stuff like that. We are supposed to get some lockers freed up for us so we can lock stuff up. Our policy said that we had to wear black lace up boots or black lace up dress shoes. The chief rewrote it to say black boot instead of black lace up boots. He must like me or something.
  18. Just a friendly word of advice. It is illegal to display FOP stickers on your vehicles if you are not a member of the FOP. Firefighter stickers, may or may not sway an officer. If you are the second cousin to the wife of a former marine, you have a better chance. Cops and Firefighters have a love/hate relationship. Troopers don't care about decals. Hell they don't care about badges. You speed you get a ticket. Very rarely you find one that is in a good mood. I think they are actually trained to be pissed off all the time. Saw some of their training.....can't blame them. Those donation stickers that you get from the trooper coalition and other such agencies are a big joke. Cops actually laugh that you were suckered into thinking that the sticker would give you an assist. You'd have a better chance printing your own and trying to get away with it. FOP courtesy cards: Some cops are swayed by them. I will give a break to a cops wife or kids. Just because you know a cop and are the friend of a cop does not weigh to much in my book. I know some cops and am the friend of some cops too.....enough said. If you give me an FOP card as a get out of jail free card, I will keep it and send it back to that officer. He has a right to know that his reputation was just sullied by your actions. An no, I don't know who you are. Yes, I know you pay your taxes. Thank you for paying my wages, at least you know that I'm doing my job with the funds. No, I don't know Officer Jones over in Pudnutville. You may be a judge, but you can't hear your own case. As you can tell, I get a lot of that. The best way to avoid interacting with Mr. PoPo is to go SlowSlow. I'm always willing to give a fellow biker a break if its a minor speed. You do a bonehead wheelie and you're a danger to me and everyone else out there. Don't get upset when you do get a ticket. You know that you deserve one when you do something like that. It's not the cop that violated the law. Own your own mistake. So Says Rev. Ric Ride Safe!!
  19. Check out this website: https://www.dps.state.oh.us/netsys/netdb/ENGLISH/MMENU.asp
  20. Geico is what I chose after doing some research. They are much cheaper than Allstate and State Farm and a little cheaper than Progressive. They also give a multi-vehicle discount if you insure your other vehicles with them. They started off as a company only for government employees and then expanded to general public. I've been using them for years with no issues. It will depend on your driving record, but for the most part, worth taking a look at. Ride Safe!!
  21. I had a mustang with a salvage title for many years. NP there. The pics look good. That is a sharp bike. I love cruisers. Look at the frame to see if there are any visible "welds". Do they look secure? Look at the bike from straight on and straight behind. Do the wheels line up, does the frame look warped? Look at the wiring. A professional rebuild should look exactly like that....professional. Is the wiring covered or just wrapped in black tape? Are all the parts secure? Does the seat "wobble"? From the pictures it looks like the person did it the right way. But they're pictures. Ask him to let you take a test ride. Does it "feel" stable. More importantly, does the bike "fit" you. You don't want to have to make yourself "fit' the bike. You'll get awful tired awful fast. I ride cruisers, they are the same family and sports bikes, but not the same breed. It's like Doberman and Dalmations. They're both dogs but completely different.
  22. Turtleneck t-shirt (or crew in summer) Ballistic Vest (actually is nice back support) Polyester Uniform Shirt Reversible Uniform Jacket with the DOT Yellow and reflective on out Uniform Pants Outer riding suit pants to keep the uniform pants clean Riding boots. They had to change policy to let me wear them on duty. -because I didn't want to take two pairs of boots to work every day Armored gloves with CF knuckles and wrist straps Full face helmet with reflective stripes.
  23. You are correct. You only get the points from the higher, but you get the tickets and fines for both speed and reckless op. You may out run my crown vic, but not it's radio. There are a LOT of crown vics out there. You really don't want to run over spike strips on a bike. Really. You don't. Never a good idea. Please all of you who read this. I'm just new to this site so I don't know any of you yet. But please take my advice as a fellow biker and an LEO. Don't run. It is NEVER worth it. You may make it. Then again you may not. Is getting out of a ticket worth killing yourself? Better question, Is getting out of a ticket worth killing someone else who is completely innocent? Save it for the raceway, or straight track or dirt track or whatever else.....but not the road way. Ride Safe and I won't have to be the one to pick up the broken pieces of your body. I lost a friend as a kid to stupidity. He lost it on a dogleg curve and didn't survive. He was proud of always being able to get away from the cops. He would never listen to me. Now he can't. Ride Safe!!
  24. I believe that it was a man from Ohio. Single vehicle crash. He lost control on a turn and lost it. I can't find the headline on the news website....tried to find it for you. I'm pretty sure he didn't make it. Closed down the freeway for four hours. They normally only do that for fatals. Ride Safe!!
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