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Everything posted by vw151

  1. vw151

    Natural Harvest

    No way.... this copy was spotted in the wild by a friend who does apartment maintenance.
  2. Never knew books like this existed. A friend came across this in an undisclosed location.
  3. ha, hey I just realized my link was broken, I fixed it, here is the correct link. http://www.ducati.net/2012/09/the-gift-a-perfect-story-for-labor-day/
  4. Hey Matt, where have you been hiding. Been awhile since I've seen you.
  5. yah, keith the welder does very good work. the exhaust is sick.
  6. It was fun to be a part of.
  7. Not sure if this has been posted yet but I just saw the published article. It's a pretty cool story IMO, Follow the link for details. http://www.ducati.net/2012/09/the-gift-a-perfect-story-for-labor-day/ also, Part 1 of the build process photos was left out but can be found here. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.331551473596760.78278.109997875752122&type=3
  8. I would never call anyone a pussy for not going out and riding, however I will say, if you didn't go out and ride then I won't have pictures of you on track. Just the way it works.
  9. OMG, I'm just informing those that were at the track day where to find great photos.
  10. have I mentioned that photos are available of those of you who did ride at www.electriceyeimages.com? This thread has turned super dumb. So the guy is calling non rain riders a pussy. That's dumb. 2nd, another guy took it personally. Also dumb. Let's just let it go everyone. There are much bigger things to get your panties in a twist over and also much bigger things to be making sweeping pussy statements about. Buy pictures, that is what is important, from me. -Thanks, Joe
  11. I didn't build this so much as I refurbed it and built a ramp but it follows the basic work bench design only lower and with casters on it.
  12. So.... was it 22 wrecks or 19? and was it 3 or 5 that wrecked twice and did anyone wreck three times?
  13. Deep Breaths. No one is a pussy if they don't feel like riding in the wet. It's a choice. That's it. Take the additional risk or don't. Lots of factors involved, cost or repairs, and personal injury are the main ones. The AFJ guys are an interesting breed, but they are generally nice guys that are interested in track riding, with a bit of hillbilly flair IMO.
  14. Is the chain whip used or New? If used how many hours are on it?
  15. I think a major difference between this track day and others is the majority of the people that showed up brought old beat up ex race bikes so the prospect of going down wasn't as big of a risk. Most track days I'm at are a mix of race bikes and very clean street bikes. It's a lot more expensive to wreck a brand new street trim 1199 than an untitled 2003 GSXR 750 in race plastics that has already been wrecked 2x before. I do have to admit, this makes me a little more likely to go out in the rain and was my original mentality back when I bought my gixxer. However, now, after "been there done that" I'll stay in. It is a personal choice for sure though because you are definitely taking a risk. I agree on one hand that a little wet experience will make you a much better rider and it certainly has me, however, I personally don't have a lot of fun running around in the wet with my ass puckered going slow. I'd much rather ride in the dry and put a knee puck to the ground so at this point I'd stay in, because I don't have fun in the rain, and I don't want to take the risk of a damaged bike or personal injury when I'm not even going to have fun riding. After all to me track days are about fun, but I'm not a racer.
  16. 50 total on the bikes I think. It's definitely a high percentage but no one was riding dumb, it was just a lot of people that continued to ride when it was very wet.
  17. 12 was the previous track day record for bikes, in the dry. The motard that crashed in front of me was virtually undamaged.
  18. Barber is this way too. Very sticky. None the less, it's all what you are into. I agree it teaches you to be smooth but on the wrong tires on the wrong track it's mostly just treacherous. If you are practicing for racing I totally get it but I prefer not to wreck.
  19. Yep, it's over $10k to rent the track rain or shine, and they said they almost broke even, so as much as we'd all like rain days I don't think Brandon has $10k laying around to refund because of the weather. None the less, I've ridden in the rain, it can be fun, but I've been there done that, anymore maybe I'm a woos but I just cut my losses and stay in, if I'm going to crash I'm going to do it having fun and going fast not tip toeing around the track hoping I don't crash.
  20. Photos from 9-1-2012 are up. Due to rain I did not shoot all day and from what I understand you guys kept on riding in spite of the wet conditions so I apologize for not sticking around longer. None the less, the photos are up and I hope you enjoy them. - Joe follow the link to find your pictures. http://electriceyeimages.photoreflect.com/store/thumbpage.aspx?e=8663105 Here are a few highlights.
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