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Everything posted by vw151

  1. Kinda sad to have to do so much work for such a stupid little problem. Oh well, let that be a lesson to you all. Make sure the threads are clean and don't over-torque.
  2. Yah, the van was a sad state of affairs, he was always running out of gas on the way to places because he'd put $5 in at a time, while getting single digit mileage.
  3. That's crazy, you'd think it would loose compression. craziest thing I've seen in this regard. A friend of mine, who is a little poor, got a Ford Aerostar V6 minivan. one of the plugs on it was stripped, in stead of trying to repair it, someone too a very large bolt and force threaded into the hole to close it up. The van just ran on 5 cylinders, while sending fuel to all 6 and got terrible gas mileage.
  4. Nice work. I love a good successful redneck engineered repair. I'd like to share my recent redneck repair as well. How bout some electical tape bushings. See public FB album for pics https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151158490849362.472511.661754361&type=3
  5. Wow, that is terrible. I personally have seen some people go down out there, but nothing that ended like that. Really puts reality in perspective. I'm so sorry for him and his family.
  6. I read about this the other day. He was supposed to break the altitude record but he comes nowhere near the speed record because some guy bailed out of an SR71 at 80k feet back in the 60s at Mach 3 or something ridiculous. He also lived.
  7. well aren't you the righteous forum user that we all aspire to be.
  8. I have a very similar trailer, great for 2 sport bikes, and unlike the purpose built bike trailers, it has room for coolers and gear, stands, and whatever else..... maybe a baby pool, whatev....
  9. Unfortunately. I am not.
  10. embracing the uselessness of his posts. Love it.
  11. I wish we could tag flounder in this thread. I think the comment on the last page is currently the most likely to start a shit storm. but given time we could definitely do better.
  12. lol, don't make me mad. I'll come over there.
  13. OMG, screw you for making me click threw and re-read this to find my misuse.
  14. In my minds eye I am actually nicer online than I am in person. however, I've had my moments. I'll admit, I was a pretty big asshole in this thread. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=24409&highlight=dviant Truth be told this situation was some of the motivation behind me starting to do track photography myself.
  15. his post count supports his argument.
  16. I can rest assured that this thread is now going to go platinum!!!
  17. Mr. 9,000, nice to see you in my thread.
  18. I started reading this an instantly thought of this place. No offense to anyone here. Just an interesting thing that I'm sure we've all noticed. People are able to be totally brash on the internet and then in person they are super nice. One of life's interesting little anomalies. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444592404578030351784405148.html
  19. Since May of 2011, that is pretty impressive? Can we pull some stats from somewhere?
  20. Almost as good as being proud of how many beers you can drink.
  21. Couple of guys in the garage's had them. Usually it's the Commonwealth guys that bring a bunch. They might have had one there too.
  22. vw151


    I know you were all dying for some sweet scooter videos, here they are.
  23. Thank you. Were you there, I'd love to see a 1036 monster out at the track.
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