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Posts posted by Gump

  1. oops.... a surviving Russian pilot says there were no warnings, no communication. One side or the other is lying, probably both. edit: "US military officials said there were indications the downed plane entered Turkish airspace for a matter of seconds, and that it had been warned to stay out."


    Turkey says one of the two aircraft responded and departed, the other did not.


    Syrian forces are advancing North in that area, toward the Turkish border, going after Free Syrian army and others, not ISIS, and air strikes are supporting them. The Russian airstrikes have now been cranked up.

    At this point the worse thing that could happen is a Turkish armor strike (with mobile ground-to-air anti-aircraft support) across the border against Syrian troops. There have been 9 clashes between Turkey and Syria since 2012.

    The surviving pilot is reported to also be stating he did not violate Turkeys are space.

  2. Great cases. Airtight, watertight, durable, lockable, and purge valve for atmospheric changes. Good for fragile items, guns, hand tools, radio equipment, electronics, et cetera.

    These are new & orange in color. Some may include already die cut foam inserts, some not. I'll have more details later.

    Models 1550, 1450, and 1300. Close to 200 of them. Individual or group/volume buys possible. Priced by volume.

  3. I'll give them a chance to make it right. II like the job and the people I work with.

    I don't want to see anything happen to the company, but I'd love to see her get fired, she's a terrible person.

    How does that even happen, adjusting pay time. Only managers should be questioning hours and they should be talking to you about adjustments first.hopefully just an error.
  4. Happy it worked out well for your neighbor, as I said before, did not fare so well for my Father in Laws dog.

    Thank you. Interesting. I had old ass beagle that ran loose in the yote infested woods for years and it died from tumor not yotes. It was never tied up.

  5. Your coyote love is puzzling.

    I "try" to manage my small parcel of this earth so the critters exist on it and believe strongly in managing the hunting pressure. I have excellent rabbit hunting but only because we don't hunt it but maybe 3 times a year. You can't hunt the hell out of something then wonder why you can't find any. Yotes I view like any other critter. I simply can't stand the brown it's down crowd. Normally this crowd is from the non-land owning crowd and they just want to hunt and don't respect shit, it's just a fun hobby for them. So, with that mindset we end up with the below.

    Take a look at this timeline.


    P.s. A beaver is making ponds on my property now, which is good. Haven't seen one in 15 years. Just a matter of time before some asshat wants to kill it or its poached.

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