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Posts posted by Gump

  1. I never referred to them as titty bars because it wasn't all that long ago where you got to see much more than titties. Since the law changed, I'm not even sure if that's permissible anymore so the 'titty bar' appellation may be more accurate now.

    The law changed? I'm not a frequent visitor but Within a year I was at one near Deerfield, it was full on nakkidness. Even had a shower room were two girls butt naked give each other a scrubbing.

  2. When he was first born he would puke up everything he ate and was diagnosed with GERD. So we had to get the special formula that you can't write off as a tax expense even though it was ordered by the doctor for us to do, the idiots in the government consider it "nutrition required for simple existence" or some B.S. Like that. Well he started to keep it down but was still puking a lot from it all coming back up. So we went in for his 2 month check up and told his doctor to write us a prescription for Zantac and she did, and just as we thought the Zantac might have been working a few days later he ended up in the ER diagnosed with a respitory virus and had such a bad cough it would trigger his gag reflex and he'd puke everything up. So after 2 days of nothing but pedialyte he added in some formula and couldn't put the poor kid down for an hour after he ate and he could only eat a couple ounces at a time so by the time his formula got digested and we could lay him down and get a little sleep 30 minutes later he would be crying for more food because he was still hungry.

    That was a rough 2 and half months.

    Complete opposite of our daughter who never got really sick until a week after we finally got her off the bottle and then had to go back to the bottle because she wouldn't drink anything from a cup....

    God I. KIDS.

    They're terrible till they're potty trained.

  3. I watched two girls screw and go down on each other for almost twenty minutes before the lookout gave them the heads up that the manager was on the way from the office. It's was quite a fun show. They were having quite a riot with each other and the crowd. It was pretty fun. I can't even go to a strip club now because nothing will top that.

    I'm pretty sure this is place where the cursive "Daddy's Girl" tattoo was above a girls Jayjay.

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  4. Why give law enforcement the opportunity to pull you over?

    I've been pulled over for no front plate. It was at 3:30am on a Saturday night. He used it as an opportunity to check me for OVI. Being stone sober I'm sure he was disappointed.

    If they are looking for something, they will find a way to justify the stop. Broken light, no plate, no license plate light, improper lane change, following too close, etc. etc.

    Plate it, or possibly get harassed about it. Simple choice to me.

    No Holes in the bumper is why.

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