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Posts posted by Gump

  1. 2 hours ago, Bad324 said:

    I figure maybe I can get them set straight and be in good enough that come their teenage years they might hate me a little less. And when they are bad I will remind them that life isn't fair or free so get a job and get a check because they got in the way of Daddy's Corvette

    I can hear their responses now....lol  They'll have times when they behave like selfish **%$% regardless. Hopefully your better half and other influential figures are on the same page as you concerning their realistic economic upbringing or may god have mercy on you.

  2. Dudes never have a function like this where they loose their freaking minds and spends gobs of other peoples money on worthless crap. This is a sad amazing experience driven by yuppy moms. They should be ashamed of themselves. To be fair, perhaps there are dads also promoting this craziness.

  3. Been trying to figure out who's actually voting for Hillary. Now I understand. FB group, "I will vote for Hillary in 2016" comments explain it all. My god

    1 touching comment, from a young person living in a possibly rough area, stating Hillary will help stop all the gun problems. I understand their POV but they're  sadly misled.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Tonik said:

    Mine is addicted to plastic caps. The small clear caps that used to come on top of Hersheys syrup. Luckily for him I am addicted to chocolate milk. So he has about 50 caps. He knows where everyone of them are, which is mostly in his food bowl. We put one in the middle of the kitchen each night before bed. He kills them around 3am, then puts it in the food bowl.

    Mines addicted to being an asshole. He likes hair ties and crawling into plastic grocery bags. I tie it shut but he gets out. 


    They r like Jurassic park raptors, always figuring out how to screw with you next. 


  5. 7 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    General Tso doesn't count. 

    So.. you have a AR-15 soft case. Does this mean you have a AR-15? Just shoot the fucking cat. God made lots for a reason. :dunno:

    I can't. I'm not a dick. The only thing I can do is bitch about it. The kids and I rescued it off the street as a kitten years ago. I will however, lightly, punch it when it attempts to rub it's actual butthole on me. Violence is justified when anything tries to rub its butthole on you. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. 7 hours ago, motocat12 said:

    Train a pet to know who's the alpha and you won't have a problem. Give them one old sacrificial item to scratch.

    The dogs and the cat know I'm the alpha.  He's not unruly but very friendly, trusting, playful cat who communicates when he needs something very clearly. He's just a high maintenance, dirty, destroying, asshole creature by nature, who provides little in return compared to dogs. He's more expensive than horses or dogs.

    I'm amazed at the amount of cat supporters here. Never again. He ate rat poison the other week, I thought I would be free of him, but he didn't eat enough. How did he get rat poison? By climbing up the countertop, then up the fridge, then up to the top of wall cabinets. I've had pets all my life. This cat is hands down the biggest pain in the ass. I'd never suggest a cat to anyone unless it lived outside.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 4 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

    Someone had a bad experience lol. I'm not a cat person per-say, but I've enjoyed all the cat's I've met in my lifetime.

    Why I hate cats list:

    Litter box area is a mess

    Requires daily poop scooping

    Litter tracked everywhere

    Cat paw tracks 10' radius around the litter box

    Can't hang towels on towels racks they get pulled down, et cetera

    Ruins shirts with claws or ruins anything new brought into the house left sitting, with claws or leaves hair all over it

    Leaves piles of hair in random places

    can't leave a clothes basket with clean clothe sin or it becomes a cat hair fest bed

    Randomly pukes in places mostly at 3am on the bed

    Ruins furniture with claws or teeth

    Ruins curtains or pulls them down

    Pee's on beds if litter box is not "clean" enough

    Wakes me up in the morning

    ruins silk table cloths

    ruins work benches

    ruins carpet if it sneaks into a damn room and you lock it in there

    scratches countertops

    continuously puts it's ass in my face

    briefcase ruined

    holes in suit jackets

    hairy countertops

    2 mattresses ruined

    A area can be spotless and I leave for a week and it's trashed by him when I get back

    He's an asshole




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