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Everything posted by Gump

  1. I'll take that bet as well.
  2. Are these essentially your former Casper size?
  3. Anything dealing with energy scares me.
  4. Hopefully just idle circuit clogged. Considering no vac leaks. You do not state if it eventually idles correctly or was work performed before problem started.
  5. It was a last favor for a friend. She was in intense pain.
  6. Everyone's greedy, when no ones looking.
  7. I feel your pain. Expenses aside, I'm not looking forward to what I suspect is coming down the road, her ribs appear to be pushing outward like the last dog. Lots of snacks and love until her quality of life isn't worth it. Then, as grotesque as it might sound, bullet to the back of the skull to end it. I did the vet put you to sleep shot once before. Never again will I hold my dog down on a steel cold table in a strange environment while she is given a shot.
  8. Of course you could assumethey wouldn't give any back but they get to keep it instead of giving it to a buyers realtor. So take that % off the sell price. Literally or not. 2 offers to buy at exactly the same purchase price. One buyer has a realtor, the other buyer does not. The buyer without a realtor has a higher chance of getting his offer accepted.
  9. So if your buying a listed house, the listing company realizes they don't have to pay the buyers agent, because you don't have one, from the fee % the listing agent set with the home seller and wouldn't they, the listing realtor, be more willing to persuade the owning seller to accept a private party offer?
  10. /\ that sucks. Cancelled the surgery but options are $600-$1200 MRI or CT scan. Hmmm. You'd think a biopsy would be an option. She's at least 12 doesn't seem bothered by the mass and is a 120# large dog. I could swallow a $1000 bill if they said yes this will fix it. But to attempt to fix the unknown and stress the dog out is troublesome.
  11. Legal Paper works cheap. Screw a realtor for buying. Unless you're really uneducated.
  12. It seems to hurt her now though if I handle it. It's in her front arm pit I'd call it. I'll get a second opinion and cancel the surgery for now. Thanks for the replies.
  13. East of east Liverpool area is nice. We could be country neighbors!
  14. Dog has a fatty tissue bump which over the years has grown and now seems sensitive to touch. I took her to the vet because of a odd, extremely hard flat 4x5 raised area on the left side of her back in front of her hips. I suggested I'd like a X-ray to see what's going on. My last dog the vet did a X-ray and it revealed a softball sized tumor. They refused and want to try and cut out the mystery hard thing and will take out the fatty cyst also if she does good under anesthesia. My thinking is why cause the dog undue stress if it's something incurable. Why not take an X-ray first? Surgery date is tomorrow. Thinking of canceling today.
  15. They're calling their mother ship after giving the Iranians nuclear power because they hate us.
  16. Canfield is the redneck of youngstown. God help Your soul .
  17. Quit having babies. Humans r geedy. The only hope for the future in 150 years is less of us. Amazon gone, habitats gone, growing foreign countries, everything controlled by humans., will not work! Nature depends on unsupervised randomness. And we depend on nature whether we realuze it yet or not. Look what's been destroyed in 100 years. Quit thinking of yourself and think ahead.
  18. I found $5 off pig grain with that link? Thank you!!!
  19. I think aliens mined that shit
  20. Sad. Quit having babies beyond replicating yourself! There is not future on earths unless the human numbers diminish.
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